10,000 bonus points per 20 transactions

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No letter for me today...

So it would seem the first batch of letters have gone to those who were not postcarded.

I assume that all multi-registered will get letters though.
Now the thread's level of interest should be returning to a simmer from being taken off the heat a couple of weeks ago :mrgreen:.

I'm up to 48 transactions for the month (up to 22/10 with 2 outstanding), so the liability is growing. Pity I never tried to sign up for the 5T/5K offer...but as I got the 20T/5K offer taken off, I'm happy with my 10T/5K offer. No postcard, no letter but also no POC yet either...

Actually, I'm really looking foward to the pre- and post-Christmas sales now :lol:

alemdohorizonte, as an aside, being that I note you are from GIG (or travel there regularly) plus the fact you have horizonte in your screen name, does that mean you hail from Belo Horizonte (CNF)? My interest is piqued as I have visited CNF and have a friend who lives there, so fond memories of my visit in 2001 were brought flooding back.
I only ever signed up for the 5T/5K offer and received 25,000 points before the Sep 23 cut-off. I have a QF Premium Amex and those bonus points plus the normal ones auto transferred to my QFF account a couple of days ago.

I've heard nothing from Amex, haven't been POCed and have 88 transactions for Oct as of yesterday.

100 transactions per month seems do-able, so with the 25K points I've received, plus 20K still outstanding for Sep, I'm expecting around 350K points for the entire period of the promo.
One error on my part. The letter actually says:

"registered for this promo on more than one occasion"

Yes..as I posted earlier in the thread I would imagine that Amexe's argument is that the three bonuses are just different parts of the one promotion.....and that one should only get the one rate of awarding points per No. of transactions.

Some forumites would argue that as Amex posted initially bonuses from all three that it should stay....

But then again I have sometimes paid bills twice (because I paid and my wife paid). Each time though the company involved refunded my extra payment.

I guess the argument will be when should a company be liable for it's mistakes...and when should it be able to "reverse" them....what is reasonable....and what is unreasonable?????????????
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Yes..as I posted earlier in the thread I would imagine that Amexe's argument is that the three bonuses are just different parts of the one promotion.....and that one should only get the one rate of awarding points per No. of transactions.

Meep. Denied.

Amex can argue all they want, but the fact they sent out different cards for different offers, had different registration codes and posted points for multi promo's means that they will have a hard time explaining away that it was just one promo.
Meep. Denied.

Amex can argue all they want, but the fact they sent out different cards for different offers, had different registration codes and posted points for multi promo's means that they will have a hard time explaining away that it was just one promo.


From what I recall those that had households that received different postcards where also households that had different cards/ cardholders.

Different offers would naturally require different codes.
Rewarding different segments ofa market at different rates happens all the time. I have done it myself many times.

Just look at CC rewards rates for example...some get you 1 FF point..others 1.25... others 1.5

This was quite cleary meant to be a promo where you got one rate...not multiple. However the argument will be due to Amexe's poor execution can people who registered for several rates get to keep them?

The other mute point...is if you only get one...which one? Naturally everyone would want to be on the most generous rate.
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somewhere back in the past thousand or so messages, someone posted a link to download the correct form to file a complaint. i cannot find the message because i don't remember the name of the organisation.
does anyone remember which message it was that had this link?

Give this a shot https://www.bfso.org.au/ABIOWeb/ABIOWebsite.nsf/CComplaints?openform

I have already written a letter to Amex's Executive office with no reply. I might write 1 more letter advising them that I intend on raising a dispute with the BFSO if they continue to ignore me and set a deadline date for Amex to reply.
This was quite cleary meant to be a promo where you got one rate...not multiple. However the argument will be due to Amexe's poor execution can people who regsitered for several rates get to keep them?

The other mute point...is if you only get one...which one? Naturally everyone would want to be on the most generous rate.

Was it?

Keep in mind Amex refers to "Offer Codes". Is it wrong to assume that there can be many offers available for people to utilise?

There were no T&C's in the original promotion to explain that there were various offers and that you could only sign up to one.

Regardless of what Amex "clearly meant", there are others that decide the legal merit of those types of terms.
Anyway the good news still is that it would appear that anyone that registered pre-Sep 20, with or without postcard, still has an "unlimited" bonus :) even if the "rate" of bonus award is still in dispute...
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Regardless of what Amex "clearly meant", there are others that decide the legal merit of those types of terms.

A point on which lawyers could argue at length about. Was it one offer or three?
FYI I didn't receive a postcard, signed up pre 20th sept, have a regular amex card, enrolled only in the 5 for 5000 offer, received points at that rate until they stopped crediting, haven't been poced, haven't received a letter subsequently, and in conversation with CSRs (and yes, I know they're word isn't the most reliable) was told I'm on the uncapped 5/5T. Anything changes I'll report back. Whew!
Hmm, some transactions posted that weren't there yesterday, but no additional points on the MR front. Normally that would have updated by now as well.......(see what happens when one looks at ones account each morning!)
I have also received a letter today in the mail. They have adjusted bonus points to 5000pts/10 transactions. I guess those who are not in NSW will be receiving their letter today. :evil::evil:
Well dying of curiousity I just rang the daughter at home.

Yesa letter from Amex was there!!! But it was just an invite to upgrade to Platinum.

Will now check the mailbox on Monday!!

(I registered for multiple offers with postcard for the 5 for 5 deal)
Well dying of curiousity I just rang the daughter at home.

Yesa letter from Amex was there!!! But it was just an invite to upgrade to Platinum.

Will now check the mailbox on Monday!!

(I registered for multiple offers with postcard for the 5 for 5 deal)
I think u will be quite safe since u got a postcard for 5 for 5 deal
I received my letter today. It appears that we have all been put on "the offer (we) would have recieved had (we) been targetted for this promotion". I find it quite interesting that we all would have been placed on the 5K/10T scheme...

Mr Bob Blinkhorne of Amex Cardmember Servicing (servicing? Interesting choice of term; sure we are getting served something, but it stinks) I suggest you set aside plenty of time over the next few weeks, because you'll be receiving more mail than Santa Clause.
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