10,000 bonus points per 20 transactions

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In relation to the V2 note I think this refers to people who are being allocated the the post 20 Sep.

In terms of testing your theory.

I have V2, but regsitered on SEP 17 and received bonuses from that date before they stopped.

I also have a postacrd.
Come on guys, where are the posts! Don't make me work today!

I take it that no one new has been POC'd? If so, I wonder what that means. Let's hope it means that they have observed the reactions of people on this forum (and perhaps phone calls/emails etc) and realised that once again their cost/benefit analysis was flawed.

Well, that's what I choose to believe until I find out otherwise :p

i just called amex again to confirm what program am i enrolled, because i got 15000 points removed, with a heading of POC-medium engaged.

on the phone, the rep still confirmed that i am in myreward program. however she told me, regardless when u enrolled in (in my case, pre 19th), or received a post card or not (in my case, i got it), you will be capped at 5000 points per month from now

wtf is this? is she drunk or is this the new t&c again?

can someone else ring amex and double check on this please?

i just called amex again to confirm what program am i enrolled

Consensus AFF wisdom seems to be that you shouldn't call Amex, there is plenty of downside risk with absolutely no upside risk (I can't be bothered finding the post that summed it up nicely, reading all these posts once is enough :p ). All you are doing is allowing them to tell the authorities that you were verbally informed of the new Ts&Cs, potentially allowing them to cap your point earn for no personal gain.
5000 Points Max for everyone


i just called amex again to confirm what program am i enrolled, because i got 15000 points removed, with a heading of POC-medium engaged.

on the phone, the rep still confirmed that i am in myreward program. however she told me, regardless when u enrolled in (in my case, pre 19th), or received a post card or not (in my case, i got it), you will be capped at 5000 points per month from now

wtf is this? is she drunk or is this the new t&c again?

can someone else ring amex and double check on this please?

I called this morning and got same answer. Although my account has not been touched yet, the CSR told me they will adjust all participating customers to a max of 5000 points per month due to abuse and over enrollment.

I was really angry because I enrolled with card and pre-20th. I am calling customers relations later to confirm the info :(
does s51AF Trade Practices Act say banks etc are legally allowed to lie on official business, or is that just in the Public Service Act??
Consensus AFF wisdom seems to be that you shouldn't call Amex, there is plenty of downside risk with absolutely no upside risk (I can't be bothered finding the post that summed it up nicely, reading all these posts once is enough :p ). All you are doing is allowing them to tell the authorities that you were verbally informed of the new Ts&Cs, potentially allowing them to cap your point earn for no personal gain.

I Think people who hide their head under the sand will be even more upset when they find out the truth in DEC
on the phone, the rep ....you will be capped at 5000 points per month from now

Well while one is not sure of much with this ever changing promotion.....what you were told would not seem correct as the modified "t&c " clearly state..

The main change is that we have introduced a maximum of 10,000 bonus points per month.

So putting aside what applies to the pre-Sept20 crew or not...it would seem that 5000 point limit is not likely.....unless they are going to bring in yet another t&c for the post-Oct5 crew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It might be one thing for Amex to try and argue that they stuffed up originally...but to do it twice in a short period would I think run them foul of the AAAC.

I have always found average Amex CSR's to be unreliable in what they say...so unless you were escalated you were probably mis-informed.
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Well while one is not sure of much with this ever changing promotion.....what you were told would not seem correct as the modified "t&c " clearly state..

The main change is that we have introduced a maximum of 10,000 bonus points per month.

So putting aside what applies to the pre-Sept20 crew or not...it would seem that 5000 point limit is not likely.

I have always found average Amex CSR's to be unrelibale in what they say...so unless you were escalted you probably mis-informed.

well, the rep asked me what says on the postcard, and i told her that stated 5000 points for 5 transactions. and she said, yeap, it will be capped at 5000 points per month.

i wonder if someone enrolled into 10k/20k program, will they get 10k/20k cap instead?

i asked her twice and explained what i know, yet she continue to tell me this is the newly changed promotion details.

i am not happy at this stage, but will call again on monday to see if i get the same story or not.
Re: 5000 Points Max for everyone

I called this morning and got same answer. Although my account has not been touched yet, the CSR told me they will adjust all participating customers to a max of 5000 points per month due to abuse and over enrollment.

Over enrollment is a clear crock. Amex should have had the wherewithal to caclulate possible enrollments.

If Amex accepted too many enrollments they should just be prepared to wear the cost. They did not have to accept.

In particular how can they possibly argue that anyone sent a postcard invitation is over enrolled now that Amex accepted their registration???

Once again..as noted earlier in the thread the core problem that Amex has is not abuse...but use of this promotion.

Amex calculated the bonuses incorrectly , ran a sloppy process to manage the scheme and are now just spinning to try and bluff people into not accepting what is due.

Spin, spin and more spin!!!

Everything was theirs to control. If they chose not to implement the program with more detailed t&c then that was their choice.

Fair enough that they deal with any obvious abuse..but they should honour the T&C that people signed up for at the time of their registration.
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Where is this poc notation? What buttons do I click to get to it?

Pages ago I gave the phone numbr for QFF Executive Services given to me by the Banking Ombudsman as the number they call. Please think about getting straight answers from the people who'll be explaining things to the Ombudsman. Or log complaints online at the ombudsman, accc, consumer affairs, and asic and [email protected] (ref Martin King).

Is it time to list here a summary of amex's defects and unfairness in their drafting?
does s51AF Trade Practices Act say banks etc are legally allowed to lie on official business, or is that just in the Public Service Act??

S52 TPA 1974 (Cwlth)talks about misleading and deceptive conduct in business. Wonders if ACCC will be interested in this amex mess.

From what I have been observing, rather than calling the Amex 1300 number, we should probably go up one level to the executive customer relations office to sort out this mess.

their number is 02-92719696 or 02-92714767
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Where is this poc notation? What buttons do I click to get to it?

Pages ago I gave the phone numbr for QFF Executive Services given to me by the Banking Ombudsman as the number they call. Please think about getting straight answers from the people who'll be explaining things to the Ombudsman. Or log complaints online at the ombudsman, accc, consumer affairs, and asic and [email protected] (ref Martin King).

I assume the bit I have bolded was posted in error and you were referring to Amex customer services rather than QFF. This is an Amex promotion run by Amex to earn points under Amex's Membership Rewards scheme. A scheme where you can transfer points earned using your Amex card to a variety of service providers rather than simply QFF.
Simon, the ff terms I read deem amex to be a party to the ff agreement, with rights to claw back, coupled with a no liability on claw backs clause in the ff company's favour. So ff off the bold bold bold.

Re s52 and the ACCC see subsection 2 and tell me if amex are exempt from s52:

(1) This Part does not apply to the supply, or possible supply, of services that are financial services. (2) Without limiting subsection (1):
(a) sections 52 and 55A do not apply to conduct engaged in in relation to financial services; and
(b) if a financial product consists of or includes an interest in land, section 53A does not apply to that interest; and
(c) section 63A does not apply to:
(i) a credit card that is part of, or that provides access to, a credit facility that is a financial product; or
(ii) a debit card that allows access to an account that is a financial product.
(3) In subsection (2):
"credit card" has the same meaning as in section 63A.
"debit card" has the same meaning as in section 63A.
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