Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

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Sorry don’t know Vic acronyms. But who is DHHS?

In reality everyone must surely know by now that whatever the circumstances of the test (eg arranged it personally without any other official involvement,) it is isolation until result is known.

I didnt associate management of the company with incorrect advice but presumed that Vic Health would be over over it.
Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Service. It’s where their CHO resides.

Perhaps I’m wrong, but I do vaguely recall there was some circumstance in the early days where a test does not mean isolate until result is known.....but I can’t recall specifics.
Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Service. It’s where their CHO resides.

Perhaps I’m wrong, but I do vaguely recall there was some circumstance in the early days where a test does not mean isolate until result is known.....but I can’t recall specifics.
We had an "asymptomatic clinic" at work, you were not required to isolate if you were tested there.
We had an "asymptomatic clinic" at work, you were not required to isolate if you were tested there.

Yes this has been happening for some time, and it is still appropriate depending on the circumstance. That is asymptomatic (not symptomatic) testing without isolation. For example there have been particular groups targeted from time to time. For example before schools were re-opened all teachers were asked to present for testing.

As another example there have also been runs done on healthworkers such as hospital staff as a preventative measure at times. Everyone at my daughters hospital were tested in the one blitz. If you isolated them all you would have had to close the hospital. I believe this occurred at all hospitals in Vic.
PM getting up early to speak now...clearly we are way past ok in any shape or form.

Two weeks of Melbourne lockdown and numbers are still going up.
What is perhaps more frustrating/annoying is the approach used by the Federal & some State Govts.

AKA "Only tell them part of the information as they can't handle it all"

Since early March it was discussed at the highest levels in Canberra (& elsewhere) that:

# Masks are effective in stopping CV spread
# Glasses/clear visors nearly eliminate the remaining risk provided good personal hygene is followed
# The 1.5m spacing (vs greater distances used overseas eg: 6 feet, 2m etc) was pulled from a 1960s Small Pox pamphlet

The powers that be had some very heated discussions, possibly with a certain Qld Premier & Tasmanian Premier wanting to tell all, where the Federal politicians (not naming anyone but you can guess) pushed the line 'the public can't handle the reality of this'.

This is what led to State Health Depts having often very different lines to the Federal & other States. Bully tactics were not appreciated by the States who wanted full disclosure - nor were the threats made to them.

Example: If you appear asymptomatic but go for a test - should you isolate at all? If so, for how long?

Australia-wide there are 6 permutations of answers on that seemingly simple question - believe it or not.

What about for work situations?

Example: For workers in an office or other static work place - if a colleague goes for a test what should close working contacts do? Who is a close working contact?

Currently 9 permutations.

It is time to forget the smoke & mirrors announcements coming out of Canberra etc, and apply some self-responsibility & thought.

Why masks

In the last week or so, there has been a graphic showing various combinations of an infected & a non-infected person (not) wearing a mask - & ranking the risk of CV transmission. This was known in early March widely - both within Australia & overseas.

In the US, Dr Fauci finally admitted in early June that was known right in the beginning but the decision was taken NOT to disclose it & ADVISE AGAINST people wearing masks due to the shortages.

Why did he admit this - because seemingly a disgruntled work colleague or acquaintance recorded Dr Fauci talking about lying about it & passed the recording to a reporter. The an interview was agrred to on certain conditions, amongst others that the recording would not be made public IF Dr Fauci gave an interview & was allowed to put his spin on why he misled the public. Another condition was that he would NOT be asked about why people were not told to make their own.

"Well, the reason for that is that we were concerned the public health community, and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply.

"He also acknowledged that masks were initially not recommended to the general public so that first responders wouldn’t feel the strain of a shortage of PPE."

The same decision was made in Canberra. Reason - the national stockpile of PPE was not at the levels it was supposed to be. So the spin put out was "We have a national stockpile" etc etc, just missed the part about it being below recommended levels.

A bit like the mandated level for Australian fuel reserves of 13 weeks vs lowest level in 2019 of a little over 4 weeks. Except that did not have anything to do with budget savings as it's nearly entirely held by the private sector.

It was no coincidence that across the developed world, at the same time, many leading medical research institutions put up on their web sites 'How to make your own mask'. Caltech (as you know with campuses throughout California) both put up 'how to' & provided free masks to campus students for example.

The argument in Australia was that people would be too lazy & not be bothered to make their own. So the surge in demand would be in direct conflict with the various Health Depts seeking masks. To further cement the allusion of masks = no benefit to the community, no "How to make your own masks" were to be put up by the Federal or State Govts.

BTW - reusable masks need to be washed at 65 degrees or hotter to kill CV. If you have been busy over the weekend and made a good number - then leaving material masks in direct sun & air-flow for 3 days is believed to achieve the same CV killing outcome. Of course both methods can be used...

Perhaps one positive to come out of CV is that many more people may learn to do basic (hand) sewing repairs & cut back on how many clothes get thrown out.

Why glasses?

The details 'released' in the last few weeks about aerosol droplets (smaller size) were known (by Canberra) back in the beginning of March, several medical papers were written overseas about the seeming immunity that doctors/nurses/ambulance/paramedics etc who needed glasses for their eyesight vs those who didn't.

The earliest came out of Wuhan in mid January where it was noticed & discussed that in two hospitals in the non-CV facing area of 'eye' treatment & surgery - virtually every nurse & doctor who did not require glasses - had been infected. Not 100% but in the 90s. This contrasted starkly with those wearing glasses all the time - ZERO.

Subsequently, the same split was noticed in other areas & then reports came out of Italy & finally a German medical researcher contacted medical workers she knew and created some hard data.

Reasoning: The CV needs a vector to gain entry into you. It also requires moisture to survive. The eyes provide both.

Simple, straight forward & easy to understand. A cheap pair of plastic glasses that completely cover your eye socket (NO designer ones with small lenses) is all that is required. The $2 shops & similar often have them with their paint brushes etc.

However, while the National stockpile was under-stocked with masks - it was even lower in the key categories of clear glasses & visors. You get the picture, and these are not something you most can make at home. Allegedly some in the know bureaucrats & MPs alerted their families & friends which saw places like Bunnings experience a rush on 'protective eyeware' in the days following its discussion.

And you thought only China withheld information & manipulated the community...

Ever wonder why when WA, SA, Tasmania, the Northern Territory & Queensland established hard border closures that Queensland was near solely targeted by the Federal Govt & disparaged daily?

Of course nothing to do with who stood up the most to the Federal Govt's "BIg Brother" approach.

NSW 17 cases

8 from overseas arrivals quarantine
more details to come

3 Thai rock
4 funeral service
2 under investigation
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Management of the Colac abattoir situation seems extremely poor with people being tested but told they didnt need to be isolated (when was that ever right.🤬) and presumably went back to normal business including going to the pub amd supermarket. I have family in Colac. Everyone knows everyone. So its on my radar.

When the baggage handlers in SA started testing positive and tracing showed there were issues, Qantas and SA Health dragged everyone (600+) off the job and into isolation until they had all been tested. That was back in late March. Why arent workplaces interstate doing the same especially where the environment is a known risk one?

This seems like a volcano about to erupt and management has gone against everything we know about managing this virus.

Reading the story now as I understand it the situation was that symptomatic people who were tested along with their close contacts had to isolate , but that additional asymptomatic people tested who were not deemed close contacts did not have to isolate. Normally asymptomatic people who are not close contacts are not tested. So presumably the additional asymptomatic testing was rolled out as the initial cases were at an abattoir.

2 days later all 750 workers were re-categorised as close contacts an so then all had to isolate.

With SA Baggage handlers. Just looking now. Infected on around 18 March.
By March 31 positive cases had grown to 32.
By April 1 , more than 100 (not everyone and not 600+)
750 Qantas staff were put into isolation on 12 April.

So in terms of speed of isolating all staff Colac would appear to have been done considerably quicker than the SA Baggage Handlers Cluster.
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Clearly Qld have not been reading or watching the NSW reports....there have been up to 15 cases reported as ‘under investigation’.
Qld has got AFL. I guess it’s waiting for NRL, Rugby and soccer/football before closing the borders
However the under investigation cases are sorted pretty quickly.All those reported positive are interviewed by the health dept within 24 hours.So not the risk you are presuming.
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Reading the story now as I understand it the situation was that symptomatic people who were tested along with their close contacts had to isolate , but that additional asymptomatic people tested who were not deemed close contacts did not have to isolate. Normally asymptomatic people who are not close contacts are not tested. So presumably the additional asymptomatic testing was rolled out as the initial cases were at an abattoir.

2 days later all 750 workers were re-categorised as close contacts an so then all had to isolate.

With SA Baggae handlers. Just looking now. Infected on around 18 March. By March 31 positive cases had grown to 32. 750 Qantas staff put into isolation on 12 April.

So in terms of speed of isolating all staff Colac would appear to have been done considerably quicker than the SA Bagage Handlers.
So why test then if they didn’t have to isolate before results known?. That goes against everything the CMO has told us. And a mixed message to all, given that people are being tested but assuming life as normal before results are out are a major cause of spread and who are widely and appropriately criticised.
What is perhaps more frustrating/annoying is the approach used by the Federal & some State Govts.

AKA "Only tell them part of the information as they can't handle it all"

Since early March it was discussed at the highest levels in Canberra (& elsewhere) that:

# Masks are effective in stopping CV spread
# Glasses/clear visors nearly eliminate the remaining risk provided good personal hygene is followed
# The 1.5m spacing (vs greater distances used overseas eg: 6 feet, 2m etc) was pulled from a 1960s Small Pox pamphlet

It is time to forget the smoke & mirrors announcements coming out of Canberra etc, and apply some self-responsibility & thought.

Why masks

In the last week or so, there has been a graphic showing various combinations of an infected & a non-infected person (not) wearing a mask - & ranking the risk of CV transmission. This was known in early March widely - both within Australia & overseas.

In the US, Dr Fauci finally admitted in early June that was known right in the beginning but the decision was taken NOT to disclose it & ADVISE AGAINST people wearing masks due to the shortages.

Why did he admit this - because seemingly a disgruntled work colleague or acquaintance recorded Dr Fauci talking about lying about it & passed the recording to a reporter. The an interview was agrred to on certain conditions, amongst others that the recording would not be made public IF Dr Fauci gave an interview & was allowed to put his spin on why he misled the public. Another condition was that he would NOT be asked about why people were not told to make their own.

"Well, the reason for that is that we were concerned the public health community, and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply.

"He also acknowledged that masks were initially not recommended to the general public so that first responders wouldn’t feel the strain of a shortage of PPE.

BTW - reusable masks need to be washed at 65 degrees or hotter to kill CV. If you have been busy over the weekend and made a good number - then leaving material masks in direct sun & air-flow for 3 days is believed to achieve the same CV killing outcome. Of course both methods can be used...

Perhaps one positive to come out of CV is that many more people may learn to do basic (hand) sewing repairs & cut back on how many clothes get thrown out.

Why glasses?

The details 'released' in the last few weeks about aerosol droplets (smaller size) were known (by Canberra) back in the beginning of March, several medical papers were written overseas about the seeming immunity that doctors/nurses/ambulance/paramedics etc who needed glasses for their eyesight vs those who didn't.

The earliest came out of Wuhan in mid January where it was noticed & discussed that in two hospitals in the non-CV facing area of 'eye' treatment & surgery - virtually every nurse & doctor who did not require glasses - had been infected. Not 100% but in the 90s. This contrasted starkly with those wearing glasses all the time - ZERO.

Subsequently, the same split was noticed in other areas & then reports came out of Italy & finally a German medical researcher contacted medical workers she knew and created some hard data.

Reasoning: The CV needs a vector to gain entry into you. It also requires moisture to survive. The eyes provide both.

Simple, straight forward & easy to understand. A cheap pair of plastic glasses that completely cover your eye socket (NO designer ones with small lenses) is all that is required. The $2 shops & similar often have them with their paint brushes etc.


My next shop will be for safety glasses.
just to ask: do we need anything for ears? Or is it because there is much less moisture, the risk of entering through the ear is considered less relevant.
MIL was tested in the weekend for CV19.

She is in a very well run aged care centre that went into lockdown on 29 June (unlike most), but had a minor sore throat and so was immediately tested. The wife and I were very apprehensive while awaiting the test result which came back the next day (Sunday) as negative. ie 24hr turnaround.
If Thai Rock Potts Point was caused by a diner, it seems excessive to have a 11 day period.....

Monitor symptoms if you attended second Thai Rock restaurant

Dr Chant said a staff member at the Thai Rock restaurant in Potts Point has now tested positive to COIVD-19.
"This follows a positive test from a person who dined at the restaurant on the 17th of July," she said.

Anyone who attended the Thai Rock restaurant in Potts Point for two hours or more between Wednesday July 15 and Saturday July 25 should be tested for COVID-19 and self-isolate for 14 days.

Anyone who went to the restaurant for a shorter time period should monitor themselves for symptoms and isolate and get tested if symptoms appear.

Thai Rock restaurant in Potts Point is now closed for cleaning.

They have almost caught up to the funeral outbreak

Couple visited two NSW restaurants while infectious

There are now nine cases of COVID-19 linked to a funeral at St Brendan's Catholic Church in Bankstown.

Anyone who attended the funeral should self-isolate immediately and get a test, regardless of any symptoms.

"A couple who attended the funeral and yesterday tested positive to COVID also attended two restaurants while infectious," Dr Chant said.

"So anyone who attended the Tan Viet Noodle House, aka crispy chicken noodle house at Cabramatta between 1pm and 2pm on the 22nd of July or the AN Restaurant in Bankstown between 9am and 11am on the 23rd of July should monitor for symptoms and immediately isolate and seek testing if they appear."

...courtesy ABC Covid live blog
So why test then if they didn’t have to isolate before results known?. That goes against everything the CMO has told us.

I would imagine that being a workplace such as an abattoir that they decided to test everyone, rather than just symptomatic cases, to be on the cautious side.

The recent multi-suburb testing that included people with no symptoms only gained 6 positive cases despite testing tens of thousands of asymptomatic people being tested.
The spread and clusters developing and growing in Sydney are really interesting compared to Victoria....

Huge geographical spread of small clusters in NSW, while Vic had less clusters but much bigger.

Does anyone have the number of tests done yesterday in NSW and VIC?
I would imagine that being a workplace such as an abattoir that they decided to test everyone, rather than just symptomatic cases, to be on the cautious side.

The recent multi-suburb testing that included people with no symptoms only gained 6 positive cases despite testing tens of thousands of asymptomatic people being tested.
The towers got a better outcome in finding unknown cases.
Post automatically merged:

The spread and clusters developing and growing in Sydney are really interesting compared to Victoria....

Huge geographical spread of small clusters in NSW, while Vic had less clusters but much bigger.

Does anyone have the number of tests done yesterday in NSW and VIC?
Nsw 22,032 test conducted
I would imagine that being a workplace such as an abattoir that they decided to test everyone, rather than just symptomatic cases, to be on the cautious side.

The recent multi-suburb testing that included people with no symptoms only gained 6 positive cases despite testing tens of thousands of asymptomatic people being tested.
In Adelaide Qantas isolated everyone with the baggage handlers - all 800 of them until the results were in. Back in early April. Stopped the spread.
NSW 17 cases

8 from overseas arrivals quarantine
more details to come

3 Thai rock
4 funeral service
2 under investigation

ABC radio said they were backgrounded by NSW Health that they are most worried about the Funeral/church services - which leads us to presume the potential 'super spreader' may have had a very hands on role in the services conducts
The spread and clusters developing and growing in Sydney are really interesting compared to Victoria....

Huge geographical spread of small clusters in NSW, while Vic had less clusters but much bigger.

Does anyone have the number of tests done yesterday in NSW and VIC?
Vic according to covidlive 17,588 (not sure results, or conducted:edit)
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