Thankyou jakeseven7 for your rather nice post. I appreciate it. And I really like that you are calling stuff like this out. it's been a bit of a battering from a select few recently.
I do need to point out though that it wasn't amaroo, he has been rather supportive. Unfortunately others were choosing to use my comment made that I didn't think that the GP should go ahead as a chance to attack. Telling me that I was jumping at shadows and that they had it all under control. And then a ra ra group responded with lols etc. and one particularly nasty post that the mods were on to exceptionally quickly. That particular post was deleted and so you wouldn't have seen it. Now that was a nasty post.

I do like that jakesseven7 is calling things like this out though. Makes for a much safer forum which of late has been a bit disturbing. Better watch your step in future hey?