bossreggie AKL lunch [W/E Apr 27-29]

What weekend?

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Dare I suggest the weekend after BR's birthday.

In Friday 30th March and out April Fool's day.

Can I get an expression of interest in these dates please.

Also.. Interest in flights and whether or not you will be attending lunch and if it's "food only" or food and matching wines.

Thanks Mr_Osborne for your helpful info.

O/T...... I did post around a year ago that Westin would be rebranded as Sofitel.

Sent from my iPad using AustFreqFly App
Interested flights plus lunch
Prefer not March as in LHR
April / May can work around, not June as in NYC.
Totally understand if none of above suit Bossreggie :oops:
As per the Princess, will be o/s weekend of 30 March, but rest of April works. :D
Also interested in flight plus lunch - food plus matched wine. Sounds lovely to me.
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Will be returning from US on 30 Mar.

Could redirect to AKL from LAX instead.

So could make these dates.

Might be interested in flight (but only one way back to Aus).

Food and wine.
As a newbie I feel a bit strange involving myself on this thread. But if I am offered an invite to lunch then good, +1 alerted me to this thread. I would like to attend the lunch. Dates are an issue. I am in NZ in early feb for about 10 days. Already used my DJ flight ( next week in akl to see mum) . Away 29 march for a week R&R in Thailand with +1
so bossreggie birthday dates a no go for me .
I am available for the dates (31st Mar / 1st Apr)

I confirm my interest for the flight and lunch. I don't drink wine, so food only option would suit me better, but am prepared to pay for the wine if required.

Obviously this is subject to the boss selecting these dates, and me successfully winning / gaining / earning a seat on the flight.
Assuming I would get an invite for lunch, 30/3-1/4 are not the best for me. My wife's birthday on the 29th and that weekend is the likely celebration time. Also considering I went to Germany (for a beer fest) last year on the 28th, I should probably do my duty.

I would be a starter for lunch with wine if I don't do my duty, but not the private jet (discussion this morning has made that clear).
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I have spoken with SWMBO and should be no probs for that date.

I probably won't be on the charter flight mainly due to end of QTR at work.

Will get as late as flight as possible out of BNE.

The latest I can see on QF is 17.35 direct to AKL.

That would probably be the earliest I can leave that day.
SRe: bossreggie AKL lunch

So bossreggie's proposal with other details
Fri 30 March - charter flight (timing unknown)
Fri 30 March - hotel - Hilton or Sofitel/Pullman suggested
Sat 31 March - lunch at bossreggie's favourite
Sat 31 March - hotel - Hilton or Sofitel/Pullman suggested
Sun 1 April - return via charter flight (not early morning I suspect)

Am probably not interested in the charter if on a Friday (and might be others in this position?) so would consider late Fri/early Sat commercial flight.
Looks like can get DJ/NZ combo for <$300. (interestingly no DJ return flights on Sun - all NZ)
Looks like the (March) dates are set. Spoke with SWMBO and discussion went thus, as we do lunch in Sydney a bit and in AKL this is something we would be up for. so if this is a goer again this year we are in, Gulfstream included. We will just have to miss out this time as we will be O/S

Keen to do anything in Sydney and Melbourne as well .
That weekend is a possibility. Was hoping to be flying to HNL (all 3 of us), but could go via AKL.
Interest in the charter flight would depend on cost & whether BossReggie & others would want a 5yo along. Completely understand that sharing such an experience with someone else's kid may not be fun. ;)
Food + wine option for the two of us.
Can I get an expression of interest in these dates please.

Also.. Interest in flights and whether or not you will be attending lunch and if it's "food only" or food and matching wines.

Thanks Mr_Osborne for your helpful info.

O/T...... I did post around a year ago that Westin would be rebranded as Sofitel.

Sent from my iPad using AustFreqFly App

How much was the gulstream spot again?
My thoughts were, I would expect those wanting to come on the G550 to pay the usual amount for a QF J ticket and I would tip in the rest! (The one we normally use seats 8, but can be configured for up to 16) This option would be leaving from Essendon Airport Only.

So there we have it.

As above.
And a very generous offer
Unfortunately 30 March doesn't work for me. I will be in the USA from 25 Mar until 27 Apr.

:( to miss this event.
A good friend is getting married some time in late March, not sure when though but it could rule me out.

I would be interested in a 1 way trip to the charter, the buzz you would get for at least 1 crossing would be nice.

Interested in the full menu including wines.
As I am due to have my knee surgery in early March I would not be able to fly in March or early April.If for some reason the lunch is delayed to May,June I would certainly line up for an invite.
A good friend is getting married some time in late March, not sure when though but it could rule me out.

I would be interested in a 1 way trip to the charter, the buzz you would get for at least 1 crossing would be nice.

Interested in the full menu including wines.
If we are not overseas, hubby and I could share one way each or with someone else or both ways to make up numbers. For the experience! Is this an open invitation to newcomers?
For those of you interested, a great view of the Gulfstream G550 in their brochure.

Pages 5, 7 and 10 for interior shots; Page 15 for the coughpit shot (which I love :cool:).

Is that bossreggie on P19 ?? (well, it might be you if you are fortunate enough to grab a seat).

For a thread, it's has a fair number of views (~2,550) in the first 24 hours and 124 posts (10 an hour on average). Not bad :D

Wow :) I've just had a chance to look at the brochure. I think I could get used to that kind of travel (bank balance issues aside ;) )
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