bossreggie AKL lunch [W/E Apr 27-29]

What weekend?

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[Mod Hat firmly on]

Before we go too far into this thread, some ground rules need to be set. Alsolute clarity, I'm sure you all understand :cool:.

It's up to bossreggie to set the date for this flight. The flight should be when he is able to go (and organise), not when any of us want the flight to be, in order to suit us - that's being a little selfish (yet understandable in this case, given the magnitude of the offer and strong desire from a number here).

Hopefully the issues behind his changing flight schedules of the past week will be gone by the end of this week - after all, he missed a trip to AKL and a lunch this week because of them. I don't know whether he wants us all to join him for his birthday, thought he might want a more private affair with +1 :eek:.

However, one thing that should be crystal clear to all intended participants - it's cash on the nose, in accordance with his offer, before the event date (before you get a seat on the jet, or at the restaurant). :evil: We will not abide any miscreant that wants to take advantage of the enormously generous goodwill/offer that bossreggie has given. He will have the sole decision as to whether you have a seat on/at either.

We wouldn't want anybody to be confused and try to say they weren't told well in advance of the event ;)

[Mod Hat Off]

Thank you for this post Lindsay Wilson.

To be fair, I was not 100% sure of the best way to handle this. I have just received a pm from Travel Guru which may help in this regard.

I guess there has been a lot of interest from people wishing to attend the lunch. Just not certain how many want to fly with me and how many wish to make their own way there.

As I mentioned earlier, I think a poll to narrow down some possible dates would be helpful. I have no idea how to do this. Secondly, once we narrow down some dates, then I REALLY need to have some idea of numbers. PARTICULARLY who wants to make their own way there and those who want to fly with me.

I understand this is a little drawn out, however I can't think of any other way to do this.

All monies would be required PRIOR to travel dates and I do not think this is unreasonable.
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To be fair, I was not 100% sure of the best way to handle this.

Just need a departure date and price for the C550, lunch cost and if we are doing an O/N. Then PM your bank account number to those who PM you with their C550 and/or lunch acceptance.
I'm very keen on the flight but I need to talk it though with the missus. I did price up a trip from OLP to fly Concorde when they pulled the pin but never did it. This will be my only chance for a private jet flight similar to Concorde. So I'm very keen, it is just the talking so maybe 50% from me.

For the lunch, I'd up that considerably 90+%, with some decent notice.sorry I can't be more certain.
The response I received from Mrs NM when mentioning this amazing opportunity made it clear that unfortunately its out of my league :( and going to end up remaining on my wish list along with flying on Concorde and experiencing a full-motion simulator.

Bossreggie, thanks for your very generous offer. If I didn't have to consider my family's needs I would jump at the chance. But responsibilities must take their priorities.

Alas I wish all who are able to attend a wonderful time, and I expect to read some amazing trip reports with photos and video included. Enjoy!!!
Again absolutely agree with LW.For me it depends on the date.I think that should be bossreggie's decision alone.
If I am able will be there if asked.Willing to make up the numbers for the G550(though I dont think that will be needed).
I am hopefully having my knee surgery early March so unfortunately may very well have to miss this unique opportunity.
Still very grateful for the bosses remarkable and generous offer.
15 pages already...

As I'm based in Auckland, I'd be interested in joining in for the lunch, but as a student, I can't commit to spending that much money without knowing more details.
One comment, I'd be super keen on the food, but not so fussed on spending anything on fancy wines, so it would be good if there was a lower cost non alcohol option, but I don't know if this would be to difficult, or how others feel.
15 pages already...

As I'm based in Auckland, I'd be interested in joining in for the lunch, but as a student, I can't commit to spending that much money without knowing more details.
One comment, I'd be super keen on the food, but not so fussed on spending anything on fancy wines, so it would be good if there was a lower cost non alcohol option, but I don't know if this would be to difficult, or how others feel.

Hi mr_osborne.

Would be great to see you along. I have texted Simon and Eugene to see if they are prepared to do a "food only" option.

I will advise once I have heard back.
We should ask JB747 if he wants to earn a bit of pocket money

Smallest thing I've flown in the past 27 years weighed roughly 90 tonnes....

I do have a mate who flies Globals though.
i ran it past mrs C and she didnrt warm to teh idea of lunch in AKL but kids all thought it was a great idea!
That was until i told them they weren't coming!
Did a date ever occur?
I think i can convince Mrs C and maybe even to leave from Essendon!

Depending on dates, I would be interested in options 1 and 2.

As can be seen by our handles, BR being my boss, I am more than happy to carry his bags. :)
15 pages already...

As I'm based in Auckland, I'd be interested in joining in for the lunch, but as a student, I can't commit to spending that much money without knowing more details.
One comment, I'd be super keen on the food, but not so fussed on spending anything on fancy wines, so it would be good if there was a lower cost non alcohol option, but I don't know if this would be to difficult, or how others feel.

Hi mr_osborne.

Would be great to see you along. I have texted Simon and Eugene to see if they are prepared to do a "food only" option.

I will advise once I have heard back.

A food only option would be awesome. Hope to hear if it is available soon.
I'm heading to London this evening. I will try to firm some dates when I get back to MEL on Tuesday.

Sent from my iPad using AustFreqFly App
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I'm tentatively interested, but would be lunch only... I'll have to make my way there on something cheap and nasty unless I've re-entered the workforce by then. :rolleyes:
I'm tentatively interested, but would be lunch only... I'll have to make my way there on something cheap and nasty unless I've re-entered the workforce by then. :rolleyes:

It might work out cheaper for me if I shout you on the G550 and YOU pay for the drinks!! :shock:

Would be great to see you there.
Thinking out loud here in case there are any others thinking like me:
Fly to AKL on a Friday, check into the AKL Hilton, long lunch Sat, fly back Sun, hangover Mon?
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