The only time I have tried to get my J LAN BP at the transit desk (Nov 2009) they kept me there for just under 2 hours. Because there was some problem they could see with my booking it was too hard, & got all latin on me & I had to go wait at the back of the queue till the agents were all free, then they just packed up and walked away, despite me again trying to talk with them. So I got talking to the other airline agents who didn't speak very good English either. Eventually I got someone make some phone calls to round up a LAN agent & send them back down to the desk. After more delay they gave me a boarding pass. Ran straight to the gate, no lounge time at all

, & was denied boarding. After a bit of voluble disharmony I found a QF person who when into a huddle with them, then emerged with my BP.
Not enough good food / wine to make me feel happy about facing my meeting that night & then the preDawn departure the next day!
Others here may have had more recent experience with smooth / difficult dealings with LAN at the transit desk.