Crazydave98, if possible could you please filter my following message onto JB?
I heard from a pilot friend of mine today that VB Cabin Crew are currently undergoing some type of service training, whereby the flight attendants are being encouraged to return to some old ways, and start face painting again, and adding humour and chat into all PA's..they are being told flair must return. There has reportedly been no guidance in this training for the flight attendance with how to deal with corporate guests, act more professional at all times including how to make a professional PA, and in general how to step everything up.
This pilot, and myself included, were very confused about this.
Is Mr Borghetti even aware that such training is taking place, and what the content is of this course? No doubt the course content has slipped through - it's not expected that the CEO need to approve the content in a training course, but when it is service training for an airline which is allegedly attempting to rebrand and take on the corporate market & QF, one would think the flight attendants would be trained and given skills to move forward, rather than go backwards and encouraged to return to VB in the early days and face paint and ad-lib in PA's etc. Apparently they've been told to behave however they feel is appropriate depending on what they personally perceive the passengers might want from them. My understanding is this is how they operate now, and it doesn't work - they have too much freedom and say as to how they want to behave on the given flight. It more depends on the flight attendants mood at that time more so than the mood of the passengers. I believe they need to be told, and have it in black & white, what is and is not acceptable, and what is expected to happen onboard.
I am sure whatever department within VB that has put together this course will attempt to sell it to Mr Borghetti as the right thing, but he should not let them pull the wool over his eyes.
I am 100% onboard the new VB if they do things right. Telling their flight attendants to face paint and flair on the PA doesn't do it for me, and they wont get my business if this is true. I would hazard a guess and say I wouldn't be the only one. Yes I want my flight attendants to be friendly, but not to the point its silly. No flair on the PA, professional friendly service, clean cabins, and a complimentary soft drink and snack is all I need onboard and I'll be there.
I hope you can make your plans Mr Borghetti - it seems it may be quite a battle.