nice gesture from qf... but personally I would have liked to have seen the questions answered here on AFF.
unscripted and no spin? but the questions have to be submitted in advance....
finally, I have to admit the first thing I thought of when I read this was 'is this a competition'? (trade promotion lottery) is the total value of the prize pool over $5000? does this require state permits? (I don't know... asking

I concur with pauly7's comments on both points.
On event format: It's important that the executives attending have a good idea of the mood and burning issues before they attend. That allows them to come prepared with relevant information, data and even other relevant employees to ensure they can be addressed.
I would also posit that QF won't have a problem with information discussed that isn't subject to commercial-in-confidence being discussed further. I can't speak for the intentions of others, but I for one if given the chance to attend would certainly try to capture as much information as possible to enable informed discussion and dissemination post-event within relevant communities. By that, I mean communicating information arising from it via means such as forum posts, blogs, audio/video, social networking and the like.
On competition and legalities: The laws within each state of Australia differ on the issues of competitions, but in this case the laws of NSW, and specifically the
Lotteries and Art Unions Act (NSW) 1901 administered by the
Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing.
IAs noted by pauly7, it (the contest to attend a lunch event including air transfers) would likely be deemed a
trade promotion. However, in NSW, the trade promotion sections of the regulations only apply where they are operated as a game of chance. In the case of this contest, the winner is determined on the basis of skill, and not chance or random draw.
On this basis plus my knowledge of similar legislation in other states, I would posit that QF is likely to not in breach of NSW or other state laws through not holding or publicising permit details for this contest.
<puts away the legal geek cap>