That was a fun afternoon/evening.
The one who pays the bills got home from their New Zealand trip the weekend before Anzac day and decided that we're getting NBN. Comparable plan to the ADSL we were on for $10 more. Will look at faster if we get good enough speeds.
After he poked around on Whirlpool, he was sure the ADSL router modem would work for NBN.
Got home today to find the internet had been out since 930 this morning. NBN had been turned on and the modem didn't work. They got a new router on the way home.
Except, after having checked the model he got before buying it, we found that it wasn't actually a modem.
So back to Officeworks for a swap.
Get home again, get the new modem set up, and it wasn't working. Spent some time on the phone to the ISP. Issue sorted out and back online.
Doesn't seem much faster thus far, but I guess we'll see.
I hope at some point they will extend the FTTN areas to FTTC or FTTP.