I was interested in this article from the SMH-
Time for ASADA to come clean
I have always thought that the government's announcement of the Drugs in Sport investigation was just a political ploy to take the heat of the Government's problems.It occurred just after the surprise resignations of a couple of ministers.I am even more sure of this now.The original announcement-
Australian Crime Commission | Probe Finds Widespread Use Of Drugs
So to me this government has sullied sports reputation,made us a laughing stock in the rest of the world and damaged our reputation in regards to drugs in sport.Even if it wasn't to divert attention it shows utter incompetence on the part of the two ministers in that they obviously had no idea what the report actually meant.
Moody George Orwell had your position worked out long ago-
It is all very well to be "advanced" and "enlightened," to snigger at Colonel Blimp and proclaim your emancipation from all traditional loyalties, but a time comes when the sand of the desert is sodden red and what have I done for thee, England, my England? As I was brought up in this tradition myself I can recognise it under strange disguises, and also sympathise with it, for even at its stupidest and most sentimental it is a comelier thing than the shallow self-righteousness of the left-wing intelligentsia.
So the circus carries on much as it ever does, but the claims by seemingly intelligent posters on this forum that the NDIS legislation is an example of bad government are ...... how can I put this nicely .... an insult to anyone with more than one synapse. There are far better areas to attack Labour on, so pick one and let's have an intelligent debate for a change.
And the Libs don't specialise in working class BS? Howard's Battlers if anybody remembers? The start of our middle/upper class welfare because Howard/Costello had no bloody imagination when it came to infrastructure other then bribing the electorate!
Just out of interest, but are you talking about "Labour" as a concept, or "Labor" as a political party?.... an insult to anyone with more than one synapse. There are far better areas to attack Labour on...
Well, I don't think we need go into her fashion sense in this thread. Or threads.The trouble is, with Gillard, she's creating new bottom lines.
I have given already reason's why it is feasible to attack the ALP government on this issue.For one it is Julia trying to get a wedge issue on TA hoping against hope of an electoral miracle.Very bizarre that you should quote Orwell against me - but it kinda sums up the IQ of the average poster on this thread.
And just why is that Moody.you dont know me and have no idea of my personal beliefs.
OK - I will pick a topic. NDIS. Everyone seems to be in agreement that it is a worthwhile thing, and I assume you haven't left any babies out in the snow to die recently, drron? Sorry - bad joke and my only excuse is that it matches the hysteria on this purile thread.
Before you can debate an NDIS it is imperative to know what disabilities you think should be covered by an NDIS
But back to the big issue - how to pay for NDIS. From my point of view this is a new social benefit and so will be best funded with a new income stream rather than cutting anything else. Not that I am against efficiency and the elimination of waste, but that is a seperate issue unless you are truly stupid. From what I understand Labour is proposing an increase of 0.5% in the Medicare levy. I have a problem with that because it doesn't fully fund NDIS.
Again until we know what disabilities are going to be covered to know how much it is going to cost.And quite frankly I dont trust this Government's figures.You can quote the Productivities Commission report but that is 2 years old and Julia has significantly increased the costs with wage increases in the system.And dont peddle that it will add significantly to GDP-in the Commissions report that didn't happen immediately but was the forecast for 2050.
Tony Abbott's position is even less enlightning. He seemed to back the concept of NDIS but didn't think anyone should have to pay for it. Then a couple of days ago he backed the increased Medicare levy, but only temporarily. Apparently another commodity price increase and mining boom is just around the corner and the billions needed to fund NDIS every year will be attracted to the Coalition likes flies to excrement. I have a big problem with that because I am not stupid.
Again Tony Abbott backed the idea of an NDIS back on 31/1/2012.It is on the public record and i already have posted a link.In that address he suggested it had to be when finances allowed it.but now we have an election campaign so responses are different.Personally I dont see why savings to the budget bottom line cant be used to fund the NDIS.
So the circus carries on much as it ever does, but the claims by seemingly intelligent posters on this forum that the NDIS legislation is an example of bad government are ...... how can I put this nicely .... an insult to anyone with more than one synapse.
So the Government wont be insulted.
There are far better areas to attack Labour on, so pick one and let's have an intelligent debate for a change.
Yes you've nailed it I was on the wrong end of a couple of bottles of wine.
I woke up and thought I must delete that lol...
Amaroo it is 5 pm somewhere if you are scratching for a reason.
Amaroo it is 5 pm somewhere if you are scratching for a reason.
Wonder what their opening hours are...
Wonder what their opening hours are...
They have a range of world clocks over the bar. Take your pick. Paris, Seattle, Miami, Hong Kong, Dubai...Wonder what their opening hours are...
been there - done that!
No harm done. It's the ones that post at 10am......that have a real problem![]()
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