Well Points Club has landed to very little fanfare. Like most of us, probably didn't know about it till I received my email saying I was in. Pity its only for 41 more days

. I think the information on the Qantas website saying how long you'll enjoy the benefits is conflicting.
From Website: "You can enjoy your membership benefits from the moment you unlock Points Club, until the end of your next Membership Year."
So once you hit club level you continue to use it for the rest of your membership year. Got it.
Then the website gives an example: "So, for example, if your Membership Year begins on 1 January 2020 and ends 31 December 2020, and you unlock Points Club or Points Club Plus in June 2020, you can enjoy your membership benefits until 31 December 2021."
So according to the example, you enjoy the benefits for the membership year following the year of earning also. I guess this is similar to status, you get the following year at that status level too even if you don't earn anything.
Only churning 1 credit card a year at the moment, so will probably keep maintaining Points Club. Will probably need to 'up' the churn to 3 credit cards a year to hit +. Is it worth it? $600ish for additional credit card annual fees versus about the same to maintain Qantas Club annual fee. I spose I'd have all those extra bonus points, but might run out of eligibility (12-18months/card) too quick, not to mention the hit to my credit rating.