QFF Ideas & Suggestions

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5) I don't think you are the person to talk to about this, but Smirnoff Vodka (served in the QF Clubs and the Business Lounge) is aweful, I definitely recommend getting a new vodka supplier in the lounges! (The Grey Goose Vodka in the BA/QF LHR T3 Galleries Club Business lounge is delicious!)

Oh good point - the quality of spirits in the lounges is atrocious :!: Grey Goose is definitely a premium spirit (and an expensive one at that); perhaps consider Wyborowa instead. Also, Gordon's is paint stripper, not gin -- please replace with Tanqueray or Plymouth! :)

And would it be too much to ask for limes as well as lemons for beverage garnishes at the bar?
Completely agree with the need to explore points/SC's on JQ. My local airport is NTL, where BNE, MEL and OOL are the main domestic airports serviced. QF runs NTL-BNE through QFLink, but apart from that, DJ and JQ control the 3 'main' routes. Providing there is no major price difference between the two, I'm more inclined to fly DJ for Velocity earning potential, as opposed to 'nothing' on JQ. I can see a similar issue at OOL, and as others have now mentioned, also in NZ.

Some points/SC's recognition on JetSaver fares etc, would go a long way. As has been stated, consumers are aware that JQ is a part of the QF 'family'
Thanks everyone for the feedback so far.

Appreciate the focus on QFF, but allow me just to respond on a non QFF issue.

Just to clarify (and to el_rooto as well), when was your last visit to the International Business Lounge? Just over 4 months ago we introduced Sofitel to the MEL/SYD International Business Lounges, with some food service improvements - there's actually been good comments on FT (I'd like to post a link, but need a few more posts under my belt - thread's called "Qantas Int. J Lounge - Changes Afoot").

If you fly from PER, the question is "what's a J lounge?", Int. or DOM.
If you fly from PER, the question is "what's a J lounge?", Int. or DOM.
All in good time codash1099. We only just got an increase in the lounge size, and I would hope a J Lounge is on the cards when Westralia Airports Corp finally implement the master plan and put everything over on the Horrie Miller side.
All in good time codash1099. We only just got an increase in the lounge size, and I would hope a J Lounge is on the cards when Westralia Airports Corp finally implement the master plan and put everything over on the Horrie Miller side.

Only 8 years to wait then :)
Many thanks Red Roo for this thread.You have by opening this thread made one of the best moves in improving QFF-Having a point of contact and having someone listen.Fantastic.One of the reasons I made the switch from Hilton to Starwood a couple of years ago was the presence of the Lurkers on FT(and here).I know if a problem cant be solved I have someone else to correspond with.
My feelings are very similiar to NMs.I am also someone who jumped to Aadvantage because they treated me better-and I dont have the backup of LTG.I was only SG with QFF but since defection I have retired and my travel has increased-mostly International J.I can easily reach WP with QFF on my travel but am sticking with Aadvantage even though with them i only get to OWS.
There are some simple things that make a difference and really dont cost much at all.
First-make your premium pax feel special.Mrsdrron is back with QFF and is WP-she comments on how our treatment is different.On our just completed DONE she requalified WP the sector before I requalified AA plat.She knew because accessing her account the summary went from SCs to retain WP to SCs to attain PG.I on the other hand got an email from AA congratulating me on my acheivement and thanking me for my loyalty-and my new card with longer valid date was awaiting me at home.Simple,very little cost-and mrsdrron notices.
Then on every longer AA flight i am approached by an AA FA and thanked for choosing AA-though this is probably because i have sent complimentary emails when i have had good service and believe Aa does note this.My emails by the way are answered in hours and are personal-I keep them and they are all very different.mrsdrron has been approached once on a longhaul QF flight-but the FA then assumed i was the WP-again she was not impressed.So some better systems of recognition are in order.
Second-upgrades.I really appreciate on AA being able even as OWS being able to confirm my upgrade as soon as ticketed.They also have complimentary mileage based upgrade certificates for gold and plat members domestically and free upgrades for their EXP.I also appreciate the SWUs you get for reaching top tier but also when reaching LTG which i did last year and LTP which i should do next year.I also appreciate that with a simple phone call i can use these upgrades for other people and also have them confirmed immediately.For every 1 million miles I will receive another 4 SWUs.With QFF once you have reached LTG what else is there-shouldn't something happen for every subsequent 7000SCs.Doesn't have to be upgrades but at least something to show QF cares.
Third-baggage-a real turn off with only 1 piece.So I can travel DJ with a bag and golf clubs as long as under 23kg for the same price as 1 bag but now when connecting to QF will have to pay extra even though QP and no DJ status.Loyalty hey.

Now to non QFF matters.Home port is MCY.So QF isn't going to figure greatly in my domestic travel.Wont consider TT.On JQ I get diddly squat.DJ at least velocity points.Plus DJs staff training does appear to be a little more pax orientated.When travelling by myself it is business and I often am wearing a tie.On DJ I am usually offered an exit row seat.Happened once on JQ but that was cancelled out by being abused by GA for having too large a carryon-it fitted easily into the sizer-no apology.
Baggage-again.Why cant at least your elite flyers (+QP!) have baggage interlined with JQ.Gosh even on a 130 RM ticket on MH earlier this year they interlined with QF.
I fly to DPO to work.Sometimes I will go early with my wife(or come back a little later)so we can have a minibreak together.If i do I will fly DJ to MEL then Rex to BWT simply because I can check the bags through,rather than use QF to DPO.If I could check my bags through on the combination of JQ,QF you could have some business back.
Thats enough for now-but once again thanks greatly for your involvement.
My 2 bob's worth

With OOL as my home port I am leaning more and more toward DJ as they give points and SC's on all fares. If JQ awarded SC's on all fares similar to the way QF does that would be a big step for me. Points on JQ would be nice but not as important as SC.

I also really like the idea of a % redcution in classic award redemption points based on status level.

My pet hate, having to telephone QF for assistance for something that cannot be done on-line and being charged a fee for this. It recently cost me an extra 10,000 points to book a flight for wife, me and 2 kids from Phoenix to Orlando because Phoenix was not available to select from the online menu:mad:
1. International upgrades confirmed at flight booking or upgrade request for WP.
2. Upgrade Credits/Certificates instead of the 5000 points bonus system
3. Priority boarding on domestic for WP/SG

Please don't worry too much about Fred Perry inspired food! :p
Hi Red Roo, This is a slightly different suggestion...

I am a frequent Qantas Traveller for work. For Leisure, I take Qantas to Europe on average twice a year (next on Dec 18, then again in May next year). I love Qantas, but I have lots of points. I don't use them for flights or flight upgrades as they aren't so easy to get as I am not a WP.

I love sports. I try and watch the Wallabies when I can. I went to the Shanghai F1, and went to France to see the tour de France. Qantas sponsors many sporting events (wallabies, F1, socceroos etc...). I am sure Qantas gets a nice box or two to reward bigwigs, pollies etc. However, I would love to have an opportunity to burn my points for a QFF supporters box (not the top notch corporate one for Qantas bigwigs, but a third tier one is fine) for one of these events. Combine my love of sports with the QFF community.

I would be in heaven sharing a box with 100 other loyal Qantas flyer whilst watching the wallabies. It would be like an AFF get together.

I have thought about it and would happily burn:
100,000 points for wallabies/socceroos match
200,000 points for ok F1 box
600,000 points for awesome F1 box where no expense has been spared!

Maybe 1 - 2 million points gets an unforgettable F1 weekend or Australian Open Tennis and Golf weeklong package (or something like that).

Give me a target like that, and i will stay a loyal hoarding QFF for a very long time. That event would go on my bucket list (and I would hope to cross it off before I die!).

My point is that there are plenty of earning opportunities. Not so many burning ones.

Thank you for the invitation to comment. I have had a few conversations with staff at the premium desk, but I am not sure if they really get conveyed to the right people.

Firstly I appreciated the new 2400 SC options - when your partner is SG and/or WP it was pretty useless.

.I also appreciate the SWUs you get for reaching top tier but also when reaching LTG which i did last year and LTP which i should do next year.I also appreciate that with a simple phone call i can use these upgrades for other people and also have them confirmed immediately.For every 1 million miles I will receive another 4 SWUs.With QFF once you have reached LTG what else is there-shouldn't something happen for every subsequent 7000SCs.Doesn't have to be upgrades but at least something to show QF cares.

As a QP , with over 400 flights (mainly DOM Full Y) and 11,000SC in 3 years since joining QFF (best to start slowly...:shock:) I have been personally welcomed by the CSM on a DOM flight once (CBR-ADL) and was offered a paper of choice and an extra wine - I was in total shock for the rest of the flight. Not saying I expect this level of recognition but it did highlight what can be done.

Similarly I have never received anything other than stock standard letters and emails. What happened to the "exclusive promotions or invitations" your website used to talk about? Being targetted for a promotion or even a THANK YOU for making WP 3 times over in a year would mean something. I am only in my early 30s and have lots and lots of years more travel ahead (and revenue) if you want it!....:)

Other benefits or ideas have been raised - particularly JQ SCs and priority seating (I might actually use them rather than DJ) and upgrade certificates/confirmed at bookings. Also don't appreciate being crushed up the front of Y-class with lots of NB or non-QFF members (seats B and E) and seeing lots of empty seats behind or even in the same row.

Maybe offer D class J seats on flights where there many spares - CBR-SYD is a classic - sometimes there are 14 of the 20 seats empty but can only book full J - even 4 months ahead! Maybe offer paid discounted $ or points upgrades on QFF website for elites (based on ticket class) within 24h or so if there are lots of seats left? It a bit out there I know but that is what you are asking for.

Another issue, I have been getting very over is the standard of QC - over the past 2 weeks I have visited MEL J x2, SYD J x 3, BNE J, TSV, CNS and CBR Jx2 and to be honest TSV had the best food (quality and variety) offering. So much for the great J lounges. And ban any Pinot Noir in the J Lounges not from VIC or TAS ;)
My thoughts, given the limited pot of money that would be available for enhancements.

a) Guest passes for lounges. The lounges are already overcrowded, so I'm voting against extention of access, unless there is some corresponding way to either 1) raise revenue to pay for lounge extension (e.g. selling passes) or 2) restricting existing access (i.e. get rid of one companion access). Otherwise, stick with the status quo - additional people who want access can always pay for a lounge membership

b) SCs and/or points on JQ flights. JQ's a LCC and I doubt QF makes much money on the very cheap fares. If SCs and points were extended to those fares, then QF would have to raise the prices so as to be able to fund the cost of increased status pax and the points. So, I'm voting against this too. If someone wants SCs/points on JQ flights then buy the more expensive fare.

c) Confirmed upgrades. I'm not sure about this - it would all depend on implementation. The current system, whilst it has drawbacks, does favour those with the highest status. Confirmed upgrades at point of booking would tend to favour those who book first. Unless a good system can be thought of here, then I'm inclined to say "no"

d) Upgrades from NOQE booking classes for status pax. I'm voting against this too, unless some change to upgrade policy also occurs. Allowing WPs or SGs (or whoever) to upgrade cheap fares would allow them to book the cheapest fares, yet still leapfrog lower status pax for upgrade chances (with the current policy on upgrades). I don't think this is fair.
That said, I do understand the frustrations with what is QF's current upgrade "lottery" - why book a higher class fare for an unknown chance of an upgrade? Perhaps if (c) could be implemented, then there wouldn't be this resistance to having to buy a more expensive fare

e) Waiver of booking fees when awards can't be booked online. Voting a definate "yes" for this. When people have to call the call centre to make a booking (because it can't be booked online: and this is a lot of options) then this is exposing a deficiency in the online booking engine - and is not the laziness of person making the booking. The cost of this should be borne by QF, not by the pax. So either waive the fees, or just be honest about point inflation and increase the base fees for the award (and not insult our intelligence)

f) System upgrades for status pax: yes. Maybe only one or two per year (one at Gold, and another two at WP). Could be subject to low load flights (e.g. those flights with A / I / T availability) so as not to impact too negatively on possible revenue opportunities. Could also be restricted to not being available from cheap (NOQ) economy flights. Obviously most people would try to use them for the longest possible flights (SYD-JFK or SYD/MEL-LHR etc) so maybe a tiered approach would be required (two credits required for SYD-LHR, but two credits are available at the SG level).
Lastly, this could be combined with the regular upgrade points cost, so as not to be a new revenue burden. It just turns a lottery into confirmed upgrade at booking - but for a limited set of flights per year.
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Hi Red Roo,

Thanks for the opportunity to contribute.

It's already been mentioned, but as a WP, I'd find confirmed-at-time-of-booking upgrades to be a godsend.

I'm taking Mrs MatF on a belated honeymoon in December/January to the UK, France and Italy. I don't earn points very quickly, so didn't have enough points to go over and back in anything but Y, and wanted something nicer, given the occasion.

I fly ~100 flights a year with QF (and have done for the last 3 or 4 years), but they're all domestic full-Y short hops, earning the minimum 1000pts/flight (even my WP status bonus doesn't get me over 1000pts per flight).

So, I redeemed nearly all my points for some Y+ tickets for some of the trip (booked 10 months in advance), and purchased Y tickets for the rest. I've got an upgrade request to J in for the Y leg (just scraping together enough points for this by the time we fly), but obviously won't know until the day before.

If I was able to lock in upgrades at the time of booking, I may well have bought Y tickets all the way and used my points to upgrade us to J ... which would most definitely have been preferable. Under the current rules, it's not worth the risk of being stuck in Y if the upgrade doesn't go through, and WP or not, it's still a lottery.

More differentiation between the J lounge and the standard QP would be my other suggestion - I don't see a lot of difference there at the moment.

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BTW What are you doing here markis10? I thought you'd decided to come over and join the born-again virgins :p;):p (jokes)

I am still going to be a WP or at least SG like I have been for the past 13 years, I am just not going to hit 2105SCs like I am currently sitting on, see no point when I can get more reward over the other side. This is my second go with Virgin, at least there is experience at the helm now!

b) SCs and/or points on JQ flights. JQ's a LCC and I doubt QF makes much money on the very cheap fares. If SCs and points were extended to those fares, then QF would have to raise the prices so as to be able to fund the cost of increased status pax and the points. So, I'm voting against this too. If someone wants SCs/points on JQ flights then buy the more expensive fare..

There is no cost allocated to SCs within the loyalty program, which is why government travel awards them, they are recognition not reward. Why not recognise frequent travellers with that recognition given there are a few ports where that is now the only option when you need to fly with a QF group airline.
The other thing that I forgot is Lounge opening times. ADL-BNE is a route of interest for me. Qantas has at best 4 flights a day on this route and have effectively removed the option to fly via another city to get a convenient travel time, particularly on weekends. Due to these limited optinos we are forced to pick either JQ or DJ. How about actually opening the Club for those who are being loyal to the group by choosing the JQ option.

Oooh! Tell me about it. Sitting amongst the 150 people milling around gate 25 with the QP closed is so frustrating. I have flown the JQ 8.45pm ADL-BNE three times and it has been delayed each time. And the worst part is seeing the QF code share number flashing on the screen at the gate while I am NOT in the QP.
Oooh! Tell me about it. Sitting amongst the 150 people milling around gate 25 with the QP closed is so frustrating. I have flown the JQ 8.45pm ADL-BNE three times and it has been delayed each time. And the worst part is seeing the QF code share number flashing on the screen at the gate while I am NOT in the QP.

Same thing happens in Cairns as well, and not to mention Darwin.
I'm pretty sure that all of my points have been raised throughout this thread and on this forum.

As KPC said, "Listen to your customers". Without them, you have nothing!

I'll keep it brief and in point form.

*More benefits for QF WP, SG, PS and QC members when flying on JQ. As JQ is slowly, but surely, cannibalizing QF Routes, it only seems fare that something should be give back when we have no choice. Hold on, we do now, DJ.

*JQ 2 Hour time limit check in is a total schamozzle. PLEASE PLEASE CHANGE THIS.

*Fuel fines...Rip-off

*Redemption points for Awards (If you can find a seat)....total joke.

*Credit Card fee. Common, $7 on a $70 fare (which more than likely costs QF 1% of the booking that is actually done). Give me a break. QC, PS, SG and WP should be fee free or discounted.

*Assistance fee on a QF Gift Voucher. Can't be completed on-line, have to ring QF and get docked $25. What a joke! QC, PS, SG and WP should be fee free

*Want to make an award booking, can't be completed on-line, call QF and get slugged 2500 points. Another joke. QC, PS, SG and WP should be fee free

*450 SC "Loyalty Bonus" = 5k Points. What a piss take that is. Upgrade certificate please. Every other "Premium" airline has something like this, why not QF? I'll tell you, they are tight! Geoff Dixon and his management board of cronies are long gone. Get with the times QF.

*QF should organize, with AFF Members, a QF-AFF Mega-DO, like a OW/Boeing tour or something like Continental did with Star. WOW, isn't that something...Or, it could be way toooo much hassle for someone at QF to do this.

*Have J Class saver fares for "domestic" routes. You can book them from the QF NZ Site, but do it here, not a chance...

*If l log onto the QF website for a booking, can there be a "tick this box" to exclude JQ flights. If l wanted to fly JQ, l would go to the JQ Website. I have noticed in the last year or so, that JQ is slowly, creeping more and more into QF bookings.

Please put fare bucket on fare page as mentioned throughout this forum and thread! I have personally told QF about this no less than 5 times. Falls on deaf ears!
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Same thing happens in Cairns as well, and not to mention Darwin.

My pet peeve.

Although I do try and avoid JQ. But limited options for QF out of cairns when you have to coordinate work days.
a) Guest passes for lounges. The lounges are already overcrowded, so I'm voting against extention of access, unless there is some corresponding way to either 1) raise revenue to pay for lounge extension (e.g. selling passes) or 2) restricting existing access (i.e. get rid of one companion access). Otherwise, stick with the status quo - additional people who want access can always pay for a lounge membership

I totally respect your opinion just wanted to mention that the suggestion to reintroduce guest passes is actually about restricting access to the lounges not increasing it. At the moment all people can take in 1 or 2 guests. My suggestion is to remove that allowance and replace it with guests passes.

I have suggested reintroducing guest passes on a tiered basis, with additonal passes available at each status level and at higher status balances like 2400+ and perhaps even by redemption. Guest passes should also work to reduce crowding as they will make the guest spot more valuable.

Another idea is to allow automatic guesting of immediate family when travelling together.
This is about the 3rd time I'm trying to compose a proper response to this thread (and on FT). Most of my points have been covered and I agree with most of them, in particular, confirmed international upgrades, anytime access, the rip-off assistance fee when it's due to your own system's shortcomings, etc...

With regards to this assistance fee, I actually don't mind paying if I've asked someone to put together a complex itinerary or have special requests to have seats released. If it's due to your systems problems, then why should I have to pay for your incompentance?

Anyway, the more I think about it, the changes that we propose here will no doubt take a while to make a difference, if at all. The underlying issue, as I see it, is that QF need to start thinking from a customer perspective. Yes, all your changes are advertised to enhance the customer experience, but in reality, it's just a way for QF to reduce costs. It's not about the customer, it's about QF. Put customers back as your focus. People will eventually see through your marketing spin.

You say you're a premium airline. In my view, you're engaging yourself in a race to the bottom - a race to become a LCC.

The original question in this thread is what can be done to encourage us to fly more with QF. All I want is for QF to start thinking from a customer's perspective and loyalty will come.
I am one of the people you want, I don't fly QANTAS but would like to.

I have an ANZ QFF cc and am accruing points. My intention was to switch to QF for my mainly international flights even though it would cost me more.

There are two main reasons I chose not to switch -

1. When I found out that you cannot upgrade automatically and went in a pool behind the Platinum, gold's etc for a limited number of seats.

2. You do not allow paid on departure upgrades.

Other carriers allow you to upgrade if there is a seat available.

I have also found out from this forum that often the front of the plane is not full and yet you still do not allow paid upgrades.

I just checked expert flyer and it appears that there are still more than 9 J seats available on QF1 tomorrow. Those seats should be filled by people using points or cash.

It does not make good business sense to have empty seats that people would pay good money for. (especially at the front of the plane)
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