As an IT-phobe I have just turned into the eyes and ears for our external IT consultant.
I lost Microsoft Exchange on my laptop - sure enough others in the office realised within a couple of minutes that we'd all lost it.
All the lights are off in the server - not a good start

. Rang IT consultant to advise the bad news. Was told to check UPS and after working out which of the two was actually plugged in, found that the power was working but the UPS wasn't. Whoops
That would be why the UPS wasn't beeping loudly at us as its power was draining. No redundancy so now waiting for IT consultant to deliver spare UPS while he takes away the old one to test it (and the redundant one to the tip).
Can't do much work this afternoon (phone calls made, filing already done, pencils sharpened, pens counted). Thankfully my trust iPhone is still connected to the outside world.
Is it going home time already