People should be taught to drive rather than as currently happens which is they are taught to pass their licence :!:
An interesting one. I know someone who taught his daughter the basics of driving before sending her to a driving school. The message came back that he had been giving her bad information. The person in question was a very highly rated and highly thought of airforce flying instructor :!:
I agree: the fundamental problem is people can't drive!
My daughter has had 10 lessons with a driving school instructor but it's frightening to see how quickly and easily the car gets ahead of her and she is totally unaware of it. And the ramifications.
Imagine if pilot training followed the same basic rationale as car driver training and licence testing…? 100 hours to solo??? If it's possible for an average student to learn enough in 20 hours (or so) in a much more complex environment…
But governments trot out the same garbage arguments against "advanced" driver training time after time: there's no proof (there's plenty of proof: look at Scandinavian countries); "studies" prove the opposite (rubbish); can't afford the infrastructure (easily paid for from petrol taxes, rego, fines & penalties, etc 97% of which currently goes into consolidated revenue rather than back into roads - to say nothing of the cost benefits in a relatively short time)
A lot like NAPLAN testing in schools: kids are coached on how to get a particular result rather than being taught and encouraged how to learn.
I think driving should be taught throughout high school as compulsory subjects: road rules, road craft, basic mechanical maintenance, basic, practical driving skills, advanced skills, etc.
I've always considered school was to prepare kids for life as an adult. The overwhelming majority of kids end up driving but there is nothing in any school system in this country to prepare them for life on the road. A quantum change in on-road behaviour and therefore road safety could be achieved within 2 high school generations.