Just an update on my life in the west at the 3 week mark.
Well at the 3 week mark I made a trip back to the East to attend the AFF or whatever it was called mid year gathering.
So I moved in and then had to buy a few things, not so much food but all the other things like cleaners and wipes and that sort of thing, of course there was a bit of food, but the worst bit was I forgot the pin number on the Amex so I had to use Mastercard instead, oops,

I had considered using colesonline to deliver the first shop, it would have saved me walking around the supermarket for 2 hours having to find those items you only have to buy once a year. Then I wheeled the shopping trolley the 100metres or so back to my place, then pushed it back, funny there were shopping trolleys where people had brought stuff and then wheeled it to the bus stop or their apartment block and left it there.
Then I had some problems with the gas hot water system, first I needed to turn on the outside gas then you had to set the gas on the internal system, but it wasn't firing up, so I ring up the real estate agent to get someone to come and look at it, I first got the building manager to take a look but he said it wasn't working and would need replacing. So the first person came in, wouldn't fix it the landlord would have to buy a new one, then the landlord wanted a 2nd opinion, they said yep its stuffed need to buy a new one, in the mean time it came back to life with some warm water, which was better than no hot water for 2 days.
I set up a TV and digital TV set top box to watch the football and at least Channel 9 and Channel 9 GEM were working to watch the state of origin, but channel 7 isn't working for some reason, I might have to pull out the instruction manual and do a auto scan and see if channel 7 is in a different digital signal in Perth.
So the power is connected then the gas then the telephone, but with Telstra you have to get the line reconnected(existing account) before you can add the internet.
And I catch a bus to work as well and I know why I hate buses, because if you don't flag them down then the don't generally stop but how am I supposed to read the number on the front from 50 metres away, at least I am only a few hundred metres away from the start of the run. Problem is that the street is very popular for bus routes but its only one I need out of the 8 or so numbers that drive past so it would be annoying to the bus driver to flag them all down. If anyone would have any ideas I would be interested. So 1 day last week I was late because of the bus. :evil: The work side is no problem, only that one bus number uses that street.
Oh and I did do a bit of work during the week, but the boss is away attending a trade show in the UK and then taking a 3 week holiday so I get it relatively easy for a few weeks. Tomorrow I am back in the old place to finish a few things off and then fly back to the West.
I am picking up a few things as well, clock radio, vacuum cleaner, a few pictures and a clothes rack, easier to pay the $67.70 charge for the 5 bags on Virgin Australia than to buy them new outright in Perth. I asked the Virgin rep about the $67.70 charge, I had a travel bank but for extras you have to pay extra including the credit card surcharge.