Thanks for the expressions of support, everyone.
Facebook is just a f'ing evil conduit for deceipt - I had (wrongly) assumed the hours she spent on there each evening was with one of the other Mums from school - to the point I was about to front the woman and tell her that both her marriage and mine would be a hell of a lot better if she spent the time talking to her husband instead of my wife. Little did I know...
I would rather hold off until I get a finalisation on the settlement before I spill the advice I have, but can confirm the idea is for it to be uncontestable in the future.
It's funny - in the hours after I realised I was going to have to ask her to leave, nothing material mattered; my hobbies, the house... I would have given it all up to undo what I knew and have a chance to keep my family together.
(have to say I am surprised no one has suggested I offload my FF points somewhere she can't get them - You guys are slipping!)
Once again - thanks all - I will certainly stop in here from time to time for some respite from the war.
She's been with me long enough to have learned going through solicitors is a mugs way of splitting your estate into quarters (you, her and x2 lawyers fees), in fact the main thing she is concerned about is access to the kids (which is ironic, as I've told her when the find out she was having an affair, I know they will never look at her the same way again - hint: I know my relationship with my father never recovered from his middle age misdemeanors)