I wonder if it was the Cream, Bone, White, Off-White, Ivory or Beige.
Either way, I hope Mr Benaud is doing okay.
The paramedics might have been surprised to see him in a red jacket. I was only saying this morning that a red jacket or top isn't good on TV but I did see a good example this morning.
Someone on Twitter suggested that if I shaved my beard off, Virginia (ABC24 Breakfast) & I could be twins. They copied her in on the tweet which included the photo. I wonder if I'll be on TV tomorrow morning!
She's actually become part of my morning routine which is interesting.
0600 Traffic Sgt arrives for work in the Emergency Operations Centre. He's the first of many.
0600ish Change the TV channel back to ABC24 from various overnight programming (including MASH, COPS, Homocide: Life On The Street & CSI)
0600ish First sighting of the Commissioner & his Auslan translator on ABC24 for the morning.
0700 or 0800 My relief supervisor arrives.
0800 Relief comms crew arrive
0800ish (Bushfire time) Breakfast
0830ish (Bushfire time) Erk sees what Emergency Services vehicles are around.
0900ish (Bushfire time) Off duty
1000 Bed.