I only packed her bags when I saw emails indicating she was "keeping the peace" until it suited her to leave. To be honest, it has given me a hell of a lot of emotional comfort to know I was able to tell her "You've made up your mind; Just go....".
Yes, FB was just the conduit that raised my suspicions. The affair began, I believe, though time spent together as "Leaders" on Scout camps. Just the sort of moral compass young kids need to learn, eh?
Had she not been hell bent on imploding our 19 years, I would have gladly done councilling - and whatever was needed to try and keep the family together (those of you who have seen my TR's know how much they mean to me). But she didnt even have the courage to sit down and try and work through it - classic aversion personality, apparently...
Yes, I agree - but I'm not sure what saddens me more: that if she has made the wrong call, how she will feel when she wakes up sees the damage she has done... or that she never comprehends the depth of the loss.
Anyhoo - just needed to vent and put my drama out there. No point dwelling on it, as it can't be undone. Back to talk of planes, lounges and French champagne, I think!