Wow, the last week has been interesting to say the least. My son was ill last weekend and kindly gave it to me on Monday night. Tuesday was meant to be working from home but I knew I was coming down with something, progressively getting worse. Wednesday cracked 38.5C multiple times during the day - Panamax took care of that. Knew I had a virus by this time - chills followed by fever, repeat and rinse. Started taking cold & flu tabs and canned the Panamax.
Thought I was getting better last night but today it came back with a vengeance. Chills and fever which cracked the magic 40 degrees about 2 hours ago.
Just had a home doctor service come in and tell me I have an ILI - temp was still 38.6 when she was here.
Damn that has been a week I don't grant to repeat. Off to get the antibiotics, stat