Thanks, the doctor has just left. Mr Katie has enough antibiotics until we can get to a chemist for a full prescription. As suspected, also a recommendation to see his GP for further tests next week.
Now, hopefully sleep for my jet lagged little family.
Update: Little Miss Jetlagged woke at 3:30am. She had to remind me to take her back to her bed after a while!! I basically didn't get back to sleep, nor did she. She asked if she could read in her room at about 4:30-5am.
At some point around this time, Mr Katie mentioned a new pain he had.
At 8am, he's in pain, fever has hit, and is too uncomfortable to go to a doctor's clinic (but not srious enough to head for the hospital), so I call the doctors again for another home visit.
Of course, there was a family birthday this morning that Little Miss was desperate to attend!! Juggled it all, and doctor was finally able to get to us around 11:30.
Poor Mr Katie has another infection (on top of the one that the doctor came for last night). Extra week of antibiotics, panadeine forte, and up an extra dose/day of the antibiotic to hit both infections.
I'm coming down with the cold I've been fighting since 30th Dec in Edinburgh, and we're both due back at work tomorrow ...
I don't know if I preferred it more when Mr Katie had a tendency of getting really sick right before a trip, because him being sick while we're all jet lagged is no fun. Very thankful that we also got home yesterday instead of pushing our luck with jet lag and arriving this morning!!