Someone mentioned flightradar24 somewhere here so I've been having a look.
Only just now a plane disappeared. There was 3 planes in a line from PER-MEL JST961, TGW416 and then a Toll plane I forget the ID of which is no longer there. Is it normal for them to disappear? From what I've seen the data seems to update fairly regularly.
EDIT: the other 2 have gone now, eaten by sharks or no comms I guess.
Only just now a plane disappeared. There was 3 planes in a line from PER-MEL JST961, TGW416 and then a Toll plane I forget the ID of which is no longer there. Is it normal for them to disappear? From what I've seen the data seems to update fairly regularly.
EDIT: the other 2 have gone now, eaten by sharks or no comms I guess.