Except Canola oil (used in margarine ) has been implicated via Internet chatter in age related macular degeneration so I have eschewed all vegetable oil products except for olive oil. It's butter for me not that chemically altered canola or sunflower oil or palm oil. ( Though animal fat is implicated too). Not yet ready to give up a tasty beef steak
Back in early 00's I was doing some old fashioned research on investment themes (my day job) and came across a great source of medical data covering most OECD countries stretching back decades.
So with a little bit of cross data-basing I created a mini-system to be able to pull together all the sources to then chart for every OECD country with a range of different factors (from illnesses to shipping volumes) and be able to introduce leads and lags.
Long winded lead in admitted.
I typed in the wrong code for one comparison I was trying to do (lucky mistake) matching margarine consumption against income growth lagged (getting ideas for what may boom in China and India). What I graphed was margarine consumption vs Alzheimer incidence lagged.
The charts shocked me. With a 10 yr lag (Alzheimer incidence matched against absolute margarine production 10 yrs earlier) for nearly all the countries - the two lines virtually overlaid each other. With those that it didn't match almost so perfectly the lag seemed to get slightly longer (go to 12-13 yrs) a couple of decades into the series.
Could have been a total coincidence but for it to be the case for nearly every OECD country - well the odds of that would see me equally as likely as to win Lotto 7 weeks in a row. Showed it to the cynics there and they thought I must have used my computer skills to doctor the images.
Some months later I was out and met up with an engineer from a very large Australian based margarine producer. When I found out who he worked for I asked him some questions. He started out by asking what colour I thought the margarine came out initially?
A very dark black/brown that is then repeatedly bleached to get it to the yellow colour you consume. He added that in theory there is no build up of bleach in the production system (= taints finished product) which is cleaned every 10 to 14 days.
In reality, the smell of bleach never leaves the machinery and not one worker continues to eat margarine after working there....