Today I am spending about 8 hours on the road driving kids to and from sport, dancing, parties etc. Already thinking an apocalyptic event might not be a bad thing. No-one seems to care about anyone else or think they are responsible for themselves or their actions. Some examples:
1/ Car almost wiped me out pulling out from the side of the road. She was too busy drinking her coffee to bother looking over her shoulder or in her mirrors. Then told me i should have given way to her anyway.
2/ Girl riding a bike on the footpath, headphones in her ears, pulls out onto the road in front of a car and almost causes a 3 car pile up. Never once looked.
3/ Woman trying to cross the road abuses the car that she walked in front of, telling them they will have to wait until she gets a break in the traffic. She was 30m from traffic lights and it was a 4 lane main road.
4/ Guy pulls into the servo and go confused as to which side of the car the tank was on, so parked basically in the middle and takes up both spaces (the line was out to the road). Every time someone said something or gave him a look or honked the horn, he says at the top of his voice to his kids, "You don't want to end up like those rude people".
5/ Car drives up the wrong way and pulls into the carpark on the opposite side, facing the wrong way, of course stopped all traffic, because there was no parks on his side of the road.
This is after 2 hours. Today is going to be a long day.