Accept I may get into trouble here, but after some thought I have decided to post this anyway, in my belief it's not strictly a commercial thing.
My wife is writing a book about the Esperance Tanker Jetty, but the cost to get it published is prohibitive.
Did you mean to say 'published' (as in by a publisher) or 'printed' (ie self published?)
Not sure what your cost hurdle is, but printing these days is so much, much cheaper than it used to be. I've done 4 books and every time its been cheaper.
One I did last year was 150 copies, 125ppm, B&W, 130gsm paper, digitally printed, perfect bound, colour soft cover 350gsm, delivered from Melbourne to Hobart ... printer cost just a bit over $1,000 (abt $7/copy or
5 cents/page ... cheaper than photocopying!!). Sure, that's still a wad of money, but if the print run is smaller, and pp fewer, then total cost less, but cost per copy goes up.
These days you can get as few as 1 or 2 copies printed! If you are patient, you can also get your books printed in HKG or China, for less again.
Blurb is another option.
How is she doing the book? Using InDesign?