Wow. They look impressive
Very LOL indeed Mal.
Meanwhile, I'd like to apologise in advance. I only post in OTT if something funny is going on or I'm just wanting to unload, get something off my chest and moan about something.
This is going to be one of those posts - so apologies in advance. Please skip over if you're not in the mood for someone's tale of woe, and the disgusting behaviour of others.
Was walking home from the shops after the post-work supermarket trip. Turned onto Grand Boulevard, and a street up a Harley rider fangs it out of the corner, with no lights on and drives up the left hand side of all the stationary traffic waiting for the lights to change.
Waiting patiently to enter the carriageway from a parking slip was a driver. The lights having gone green, a fellow courteous driver motions him to go in front. Very nice of him.
Sadly, our driver waiting in the parking slip lane didn't see our unilluminated Harley rider flouting the Traffic Act, and consequently couldn't see the Harley and clipped the back of him with no time to react.
Our driver did the responsible thing, and pulled around the corner to park up safely and exchange details. Having seen the accident, I walked over to make sure all parties were all right and not needing any first aid or medical attention.
Just as I arrived, the driver attempted to apologise and exchange details, but our Harley rider was having none of it. He was screaming black and blue, f'ing and blinding and exclaiming quite rudely that the driver should have seen him.
I was shocked by what the Harley rider did next.
He then got off his bike, and then swung his fist in unjustified anger connecting with the young driver. Here this poor kid was, trying to do the responsible thing, only to be sworn at and abused - before being assaulted without provocation or justification.
Needless to say I'm on the phone to the Police in a flash, and after a few more minutes of screaming, righting his bike and starting the engine (and stalling a few times in the process), he then goes to ride off... or so we thought.
He drives around the corner, and parks up in front of the driver's car. He dismounts, then goes up to his car, kicking and punching at it before ripping off and breaking both wing mirrors with his hands - all the while still f'ing, blinding, and accusing the poor driver when it was he, the Harley rider who was at fault. And of course he was told on several occasions that the police had been called, and despite forceful and proper language being used to try and stop him from committing wilful damage - he proceeded to be what I can only call one of the rudest persons on earth.
No details exchange, no pleasantries, just out and out offensive behaviour.
Unlucky for the rider of the Harley, he committed the offence in front of no less than three security cameras, two of them operated by the adjacent tavern, one by the council. The Manager of the Tavern confirmed her cameras should have the whole incident, and the footage will be sent to the boys in blue first thing in the morning.
Just when you think you've seen the worst behaviour society can offer, something else comes along and shocks you even more.
Right, rant about society over. I'll shut up now and hope they catch his backside quickly and deliver it the booting it deserves.