Graffito/graffiti ( an Italian word after all) has a long tradition in Italy. There's still quite a bit (faded now) of Fascist graffiti in the hills around l'Aquila and elsewhere with Mussolini National Fascist Party slogans.

"The black is and will be invincible"
"What we must conquer interests us more than what we have already conquered."

"We represent a new principle in the world."
And the lovely little village of Castelluccio di Norcia above Piano Grande is interesting
"Wall poems at Castelluccio di Norcia.
Perhaps this is why a bizarre custom has developed here: for more than 50 years, love confessions and blasphemies have been secretly painted with lime on the walls of the houses, a sort of traditional graffiti and street poetry.
In the course of the decades, hardly a house wall remained unaffected. However, Castelluccio in the last 10 years has become a bit more prosperous, houses were restored and unfortunately some of the traditional "love poems" have disappeared."