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Also, "not my job"ers.People not doing their job and failing to read/action critical emails.
It is EOFY and I sent out explicit instructions 3 weeks ago, only to find out that 4 days before the books close some numpties decided to guess what they needed to process instead of processing specific journals and invoices provided in email. I've been double charged for multiple things, numpties wont own their mistake and trying to find a competent person to reverse the mistakes is a headache I do not need today.
put my feet on top of her bag? I'm assuming she'd put it in your foot space?What would you do? Had Row 4 window on MEL-OOL today. Lady in 3F already boarded so had her substantial carry on in bin and had placed her substantial personal item (handbag) under her seat. So when I needed to put my computer bag under the seat in front of me, there was no room so I had to sit for 2 hours with my feet on top of my bag.
My better half does not like to make a fuss so we could not raise it with the crew. On arrival, 3F did have to get down low to retrieve her bag. Small consolation. Looked like Platinum flyers as they had spare seat between them.
Not happy.
And add to that when you are in the left hand lane using cruise control at or just above speed limit and the idiot in the right lane sits 1km faster and does not GAF and not speed up nor slow down when you are approaching slower vehicles in the left so you have to brake to get out of cruise then slow to allow idiot to pass.On the overtaking topic, what cheeses me off is drivers sitting in the right hand lane of a freeway at the same speed as the vehicle they are supposed to be overtaking so it takes forever. What really cheeses me off is when that happens twice in the space of 30 mins. What really, really cheeses me off, is later that night when you are at home, up pops a video in the youtube shorts feed, complaining about people sitting in the right lane and not overtaking. First time you've ever had any sort of driving video pop up in your feed. The former two are mere inconveniences, the later downright sinister.
I also work in technology and disagree that it needs to be anymore onerous or expensive. If cloud hosted, you only need to pay for the time the specific election is running a few weeks at best (deploy code, configure data, hold election, archive result, nothing to maintain in between). The voting logic doesnt chnage election to election, just reference data i.e. candiate names. obviously don't work in the environment and have little to no idea of the level of work that goes on between elections
And you obviously dont understand the funding model for cloud hosting a limited time service which is all an election needs to be. Run the code when its needed, zero infrastructure costs when no elections happening which is most of the time.
I made no commen whatsoever on the work between elections but one would hope between elections government employees would be focused on running government services for the taxpayers who fund their jobs.
IMO it is really pathetic the ivote system was removed. Its the 21st century. Some may be happy to stay stuck in 19th century, id prefer to see things improve. previous statement stands (despite your incorrect assumptions regarding my background knowledge)- you don't know what you are talking about due to your incorrect assumptions as to the totally it of what is involved.
Having worked in this space, technology related, surprisingly the paper-based system is the simplest, cheapest and most secure way of doing it. Given you only have elections every 3 or 4 years (depending where you are), the cost of refreshing technology alone is enormous
What happens with your convenient iVoting if - just if - there is an IT cough- up like the census before last, or a hack or attempted hack? Never mind the possible effect on the integrity of the result, the inevitable wide spread alarm/suspicion/ Trumpian conspiracies etc would paralyse any government. Chaos.Well paper voting cheeses me off, paper voting s archaic and resource wasteful just because you cant imagine a better cheaper solution and want to be a luddite when it comes to embracing electronic voting, wont cheese me off any less.
then perhaps you should just abstain.