MODS: This is NOT an entry. Please exclude me from consideration for the trinket. I got on a roll and I've had my fun and met the
Greggsy target (well, sort of - he said 20+, but 20 will do). For the record, my favourite is post #50 by
SYDNEYAIRPORTRIPOFF. Surf should be up tomorrow, so I'm out of here and this still leaves plenty of time for lots of other entries! This whole QF/EK thing over the last week has been an absolute hoot. Thanks to all the leading members of the cast:
AJ, aka the creepy CEO,
Bossreggie, who I'm sure we all hope is feeling better,
Lindsay Wilson, aka the fall guy,
Markis10 for stunning everyone by holding an empty glass,
Princess Fiona for stunning everyone by not putting in an appearance for once,
TonyHancock for almost being lost for words and
RedRoo for being receptive to enhancement! 'Night all! Please, no curtain calls