Having just read the readiness plan, and details of the COVID-Ready kit (Not grab bag as you call it) it actually looks like common sense. And I am always a fan of promoting common sense.
Yes it reflects common sense, but it is a classic instance of the bureacracy and its communication function turning the exercise of common sense into a planning requirement, as a response to anything. They love doing this sort of stuff, as does the happy brigade of consultants who will charge a modest fee to produce a plan that complies with the requirements.
Of course the logical next step, as in countless other situations, is to mandate such plans, to the delight of the breed of consultants who will charge a modest fee to compile one for you. I’ve worked in both the bureaucratic and consultant camps but understand too well that the reality is these plans sometimes add about 5% value and 95% humbug.
BTW I called it a grab bag because the ‘kit’ requirements reminded me of the grab bag we were required to keep for when the bad guys (Taliban or omicron as the case may be) attacked and we had to be extracted quickly. The kit could better be described as a checklist, but until I am compelled to fill it out I won’t bother.
I could describe in forensic detail the deficiencies of the
kit as a piece of communication but doubt Qld Health is tendering for this work. So a sample will do. I really don’t see the need to tick a box on a checklist to say I have acquired a mask, hand sanitiser and gloves, and shan’t do so unless it is mandated. I already have a mask (who doesn’t?), sani, and I have rubber gloves under the sink. I admit I am uncertain of the purpose of the gloves and how they will help me when I get COVID.
Meanwhile, seasons greetings to all who sail on the good ship AFF, and special shout out to all them who wear <mod hat>.
cheers skip