I paid a visit to the BAMs to load 5 cases of beer (mostly light), 5 of (fizzy) soft drink (diet coke included), some juice, plus plenty of bottled water. I failed time wise to get nuts and other snacks.
If everyone is a beer drinker please let me know so I can make arrangements for more, we won't have enough!
Couple of minor train running changes since the last update; we are allowed to stop and get off at the rail access only look out at Summit Tank, on the escarpment above Wollongong.
Our dinner stop looks like the Loaded Dog Hotel, I will try to call them tomorrow and tell them we are coming. Because of some congestion on the Canberra Branch we will be added onto a Christmas Party train at Tarago (while we go for a walk) for the run into Canberra. Our cars of course will be separate from this train but you're welcome to ride in their part of the train, including 'dance' car with the flashing lights and mirror ball. :shock:
The congestion has pushed our arrival time into Canberra back, TBA.
It's looking like a long day, although a couple of stops on the way will hopefully break things up, these days do seem to go fast when on the train though.
Will post any other updates as they come to hand.
I will be at Central (for some reason I'm thinking platform 2, but can't remember why) to unlock the cars when they pull in.
Ours are the faded red ones, our locomotives look like being 44208 and FL220 for those interested. There will be two other blue cars, consider those above CL, as even a CL would not gain entry.