I don't have any mirrors. I have no desire to see my ugly mistake of a face.

Still nearly sold out of meat/chicken etc when I left.
People still don't understand what limits mean, nor can they read.
*see customer with 4 bottles of milk in trolley*
"there's a limit of 2 bottles"
"really? since when?"
"since Thursday. There are notices up on every milk shelf."
"... oh"
*customer goes back to milk and looks at notice, then sheepishly returns some bottles*
Had TP when I got to work this morning. Every customer for the first hour had a pack, then no one did.
This has also been common:
"Do you have any mince out the back?"
"There is no meat out the back"
"... then do you have any beef?"

. There is no meat out the back"
"what about po..."
"The only meat in the store is on the shelf"
Work didn't feel as crazy today as it has been this past week. But then that was before the statements from the NSW and VIC governments this afternoon.