Wasn't it more a celebration of life rather than what western cultures would typify in a memorial service? Many hours long, with chanting, dancing, singing, and laughing, and stories being told? Perhaps the atmosphere of the event indicated to the attendees that this was not inappropriate behaviour? It was not an event full of funeral dirges, from what I've been able to research. Maybe every second person was taking selfies, but they didn't make it into the news or the latest internet meme because they're not as eye catching or news worthy as the British and Danish PMs and the US President?
Is there any outrage at the pic of GW Bush and Bono at the same event that Bush posted on Instagram?? May not be a selfie, but is a posed picture of a former politician and a rock star at a memorial service any better?
Maybe if there was an attractive female politician in between them, and an opportune look from Laura or Ali that be construed as disapproval, but was probably something else entirely?
Obama's Funeral Selfie: This Is Why Context Matters
And more comments on the photos by the photographer and the general atmosphere at the service:
The story behind "that selfie" - Correspondent