Mrs QF WP has been disagnosed with a ganglion in her right wrist (yes she's right handed) - which necessitates surgery as the GP said (something about) being multiple small bubbles in a big bubble, rather than being able to have a fine needle aspiration. Fantastic

. Looks like I'll be doing everything in the house for at least a couple of weeks in recovery. Now she's off to contact some "hand doctors". *Wry smile*
For those that are interested to find out more:
Cysts - ganglion cysts | Better Health Channel
Wish doctors and pathology reports would talk in simple language
"At the level of compartment 4 extensor digitorum and extensor indictus tendons there is a lobulated ganglion measuring approx 1.7 x 0.4 x 0.7cms. This appears to be compressing the C4 tendons. It can be traced to the radiocarpal joint space".