The name black pudding is misleading. From what I've see it's awful. No interest in trying.
Each to their own, of course John.... but, If ye doth not taste the fruits, the ye hath no retort towards the taste of the fruits.
Asides that, then I'm figuring you're not a friend of Lambs Fry either...( fried lambs liver to be accurate.)
If the taste overall is too much, try black pudding fried and then crumbed through mashed potato...
Full of Zinc and anti-oxidents, but yes also unsaturated fats and salt.
All tastey goodies have a price, but in moderation serve no harm.
People say lambs brains is an awful idea too, but most have never enjoyed the experience.
Done right, served right, enjoyed right ...
Go on John, Push the envelope, Give it a whirl,.....worst can happen is you reinforce your opinion.
Who knows, could be the next tasting plate in J lounges