You seriously think that anything the media does for anyone is about those people? I think it’s a fine line. As I posted and was quoted today by KPC, politicians influence all our lives and pretty much control what we do and who we can marry. So it’s a bit trite when that same politician has an adulterous relationship and which is outside the very church guidelines he preaches to others. But on the other hand the lady involved should not have been hounded and identified. I like BJ but was a bit disappointed in this outcome.
Yes, I agree totally with your sentiment, but what do you expect from LNP politicians who wear their religious ‘morals’ on their sleeves during elections.

(And to be balanced, from many ALP and the others, PH for example.)
Personally I’m not surprised by BJ’s behaviour since it’s more what I expected, but I really don’t care since I don’t vote for him.
And, and, it’s your choice whether to vote for these people with morals or religious views you disagree with.
Policy matters should be being discussed. BJ’s envolvement in moving the AG department to Armadale for base political motives, disrupting many long term valued scientific staff, or his and NP involvement in the Murray Darling basin debacle to benefit friends of the NP are more important for public scrutiny and discussion.
And let’s not even get to RETs, climate change policies, ND scheme, turning Australia into one of the world’s major arms suppliers, the TP treaty potentially destroying the PB scheme, Australian copyright, and govt ability to ban things like cigarette advertising etc...
Policy, not personal.
PS: and pity he’s not more open to scientific discovery and understands contraception.