Sorry if I have misinterpreted this but my reading of your post was that the ‘sufficient reward was their success’ refers the success of the students they helped. And therefore they should be happy with that.
We used to do lots of things for free, but when you monetise them, you get this kinda of problem. (Look at the ho-ha around monetising the CFA / CFS and the anger from the unpaid volunteers getting slapped enormous our emergency services Levy despite giving of their time for free)
Wouldn't be a teacher for all the money in China (well perhaps $250,000 per annum) what with the principals whims and the peers jockeying for senior roles and the students behaving badly (breaking windows, throwing punches, foul language, disinterest, puberty, seeking marks for favours) and parents (just as bad) why bother?
Back when my parents were teachers, we had a strong workforce because they were on stipend cadetships so paid to go to Uni so the smart poor students prospered and became wonderful teachers. But this group no longer exists. Worse still is HECs where you pay to learn
It's common knowledge public service salaries (including teachers, police, emergency services, transport services in some states) have flatlined. There's no share scheme to offer alternate opportunities to wealth.
Wages survey: most major employers want to freeze pay or offer cut in real terms
This is a serious problem for a country like ours where the stock market profits aren't being shared with the workforce because those who hold the purse strings decide who is eligible so only the executives get rich.
Of course, the absence of a stock price can be catered for in boosted wages but this hasn't happened either. Too often, this results in laziness for which there is no real consequences within the ranks where a few do the work and the rest don't
Because those execs are receiving a pile of cash unrelated to work effort so I will "self-determine" for myself how many hours I'll actually work within the time I'm "at work"
PS. teachers have salary smoothing so they get paid over the school holidays. And again, some put in discretionary effort, particularly if courses need updating but I certainly don't recall my parents doing any actual classroom. prep or marking in the hollies, given the topics they taught were pretty static across centuries....