I should leave this to the medicos, but hemochromatosis is a genetic condition where (put
) you lack an enzyme which stops digested iron being transferred into the bloodstream when there is enough already absorbed. Therefore the blood becomes saturated, and ultimately overloaded with iron. Then, the body seeks to store the excess iron elsewhere, such as in the liver and pancreas where it can then cause cirrhosis. There can be other effects, such as arthritic conditions in fingers and toes caused by the deposition of calcium salts there. This is where the 'gout' comes in. Not gout
sensu stricto as explained by Quickstatus, but the 'old guy's sore big toe' type.
Not sure what the chiro did, but hemochromatosis is usually treated by blood vinesections (donations), where after blood is removed, new blood is created, using up some of the excess iron. I've been happily donating blood for abt 25 years, ever since I was diagnosed. Oh, the other thing they did at first was to stick a thick needle into my side, into my liver, to take a 'core sample' (sort of like what they do to cheeses

). They looked at this and found I had no cirrhosis, which was a nice thing to find out after a young bloke's beer drinking habits

Edit: I should add that a whole lot more has been found out about this condition in the last 20 years, after I found out about it and had it explained to me, so YMMV.