Bill Shorten called today to appear before the
Trade Unions Royal Commission. (its OK .. its a link to a Fairfax news web site.)
ABC 7:30 report leads off tonight with a breathless exposé of bracket creep. Yowsers! I wasn't aware of the phenomena before. No, I'm fibbing ... I've appreciated it all my working life, but its apparently something new to those
news hounds at the ABC (I suspect one of their producers has just discovered their generous pay rises have just ticked him up to the next bracket - hence the outraged story).
Really? The LEAD story is on the general phenomena of bracket creep, un-related to anything in particular that has happened this week?
Head of ACTU fumes that this and previous governments didn't do anything about it. Of course
certain previous governments did do something to correct bracket creep ... several times actually, but that's un-mentionable on
our ABC