Surveys within Australia & overseas show large proportions ( > 25%) stating they will not get the vaccine at all, as well as an equally large proportion saying they'll wait some months to see if any adverse side effects appear.
The NewsCorp survey had around:
38% = Yes, I'll get the vaccine
33% = I'll wait a few months
29% = No, I will not get the vaccine
from memory when I saw it early last week.
In Europe it seems to be between 35-55% saying they won't get the vaccine.
In the US the early reports have health staff approx 40% refusing the vaccine.
Now that Biden has stated he will ignore the advice from Pfizer (Pfizer - do not delay the 2nd dose) & will aim for 2nd dose of Pfizer at 6 weeks or more so that more people get the first dose - makes things even more uncertain.
Perhaps what is worse are the falsified reports of the side effects from the vaccines using edited versions of CDC reports - One that I was sent nearly got by me - it was that well doctored. But I figured if the numbers were as bad as it showed then I would have heard about it from multiple contacts.
So I accessed the CDC 'voluntary' reporting of adverse vaccine reactions site (covers every vaccine there is) & ran the Covid vaccine report which showed the avg adverse reaction (per person reported) caused 3 different adverse issues (including 7 admitted to ICU) but nothing like the 'fake' report which had causing blindness, paralysis, herpes etc etc.
The CDC adverse reactions database is worth a look at for those who like details.