Really enjoyed the Taj restaurant for dinner. Fabulous tasting menu - the two Michelin stars well deserved. On Christmas Eve we had Brunch, did a bit of window shopping and then went to see Thor - very funny. At some point Mr FM had his wallet pick pocketed. He is usually very good about keeping it in his zipped up pants pocket, but he bought 3 bottles of water and slipped it into his coat pocket.....
Someone found the wallet (sans money) and walked up to the Taj to hand it in - Mr FM had his room cardkey in his wallet. So we have his CC, drivers licence etc. at the end of the day losing a bit of money (ok probably about $400), is not as annoying as losing the other stuff. Keeping a close eye on txns just in case. Hope whoever took the money really needed it.
At the Admirals Club in SFO now - they are serving Prosecco so will get some in awhile, then plan to pop into the Flagship lounge in LA for some Bollinger before making our way to the Qantas J lounge. Not a bad way to spend Christmas Day.

. Master FM is on his way back to Mountain View where he has some relationship issues to sort out.
Hope the lounge in LAX is better than the J lounge in Sydney! Been years since I have visited it and it was quite bad. Basically the same as a J domestic lounge with ice cream. That doesn’t worry me (although having spent 12K each on airfares you would think the lounge would be a bit better!). The killer was the state of the toilets - one didn’t flush properly so it was filthy. Floors had spills over them, empty rolls on the floor - ugh.
On a nicer note a picture of a Christmas tree in the hotel foyer - they also had some lovely light displays with reindeer - made me feel a bit Christmassy.